How to celebrate New Year’s Eve like an Idealist

The perfect night to be a sparkly ethereal mist of a human.

2016 was not a friend to idealists.

It’s hard enough being an idealist in today’s world; you’re told to dream big as an eight-year-old but then told to commit to a major ten years later. Even the word idealism can seem like a dirty word: a cheap way to deter around the real-life struggles that tend to slap people in the face.

However, after a dark and stormy year like 2016, adapting an idealist’s outlook on life might be the only way to save the beauty and honor that is crumbled in a corner somewhere, still existing in the world.

Photography by Sarah Bockrath

New Year’s Eve is an idealist’s Superbowl: sparkly dresses and promises of exciting adventures to come.

Below is a list of how to celebrate NYE like an idealist.

Live in a sparkly dream world for the night. 

The sparkly the better. Hang up some fairy lights and fill up some of those big golden ‘2017’ balloons. The bigger the better. Transform your night into a little haven where you can dream and believe in a little magic.


Be a sappy, hopeless romantic.

Whether actually intoxicated or not, idealists walk around drunk on love and inspiration. Tell people you love them. Force group hugs with your closest friends. Let people know how much you care about them. Spread kindness.

Wear some lipstick   

Dusty rose or saturated plum? Matte or satin finish? Find a shade that makes you swoon and wear it proudly.

Indulge in the excitement of the unknown

Hopefulness is a hard emotion. It’s stubborn and likes to hide. However, nothing pulls out hopefulness from its shell more than the unknown. Put 2016 behind you and look forward to a big empty unknown. It’s full of possibilities.


Drooling over these dreamy photographs? Go follow the immensely talented Temple photographer Sarah Bockrath and explore her golden world.

Temple University