Temple’s most helpful resources for your job and internship search

Jump start your career with the help of Temple’s career services

Temple University has access to trains and subways that go into Center City, allowing easy access to everything Philadelphia has to offer. This gives students a golden opportunity to have easy access to jobs and internships in the city. These jobs and internships can boost your resume and help you when looking for jobs in the future, but half the battle is actually landing one.

Luckily for Owls, Temple provides an endless amount of help in looking for jobs and internships. It is never too early to start looking for your next internship opportunity!

Temple University Career Center

Temple’s Career Center is located in Mitten Hall on Polett Walk. They offer resume and cover letter help as well as help with searching for the perfect job or internship. They also host events such as etiquette dinners and networking events so students can learn how to be professional in various settings. Taking advantage of these things allows you to grow professionally.


The OwlNetwork is a database of jobs and internships representing every major at Temple. It is a good way to see what is out there and have a database that stores your resume and cover letter. This service is especially helpful if your specific school does not have a database for industries in the school. Emails are sent out with updates related to your major.

Job and Internship Fairs

Temple offers a wide variety of job and internship fairs. From a school-wide fair to school-specific ones, there is something for every major. Smaller events are held before the fairs to ensure that students are properly and professionally prepared to showcase who they are to potential employers. These opportunities are posted throughout campus, so keep an eye out.

College-Specific Resources

Many schools within Temple have career services specific to the majors that fall into that school. For example, the School of Media and Communication has SMConnect and the College of Liberal Arts has its own College of Liberal Arts Professional Development. These resources help you connect with career advisors who are familiar with the industry you want to go into, so they are valuable.

Student Organizations

Many student organizations that are major-focused have information about potential internships and jobs. A lot of organizations also feature guest speakers who work in a particular field or job you may be interested in and may know of jobs and internships. Being involved in campus organizations makes you stand out to potential employers, especially if it is an organization based on what you want to do.


Professors are an invaluable tool in your educational career. Most professors work in the field they teach, so they have connections to people who work in the job you want or an internship you are vying for. They can give you career advice about how to go about applying for jobs and internships and tips for having these be successful and professional. If you have a good relationship with one of your professors, he or she may be willing to write a letter of recommendation if you need one.

Temple University