Things you learn after your first year at Temple

TU Alerts are nothing new

As the 2015-2016 school year comes to an end, we can all look back and dwell on what happened.

Temple always has something going on whether it’s someone getting arrested, rioting, or someone making a big commotion somewhere on campus.

As a freshman, Temple can seem like a scary place. There are many new things that you have to get used to; especially since it’s North Philly. But after a full year, I think we all are accustomed to the way things work.

Here are a few things that you will be used to or realize after your first year at Temple is over:

TU Alerts

A parents worst nightmare. At first it seems like you are literally never going to make it out of college alive. We receive at least one TU Alert a week, if not more. It could be on your street, next door, or a few blocks away. But eventually, they just become something that students expect to see and no one makes a big deal about anymore.

Campus Squirrels

When first arriving on campus, you are amazed by how many squirrels there are. They aren’t like your typical squirrels at home that are scared of you. Temple’s squirrels will literally sit right next to you or pop out of the trash can when you’re throwing something away. Some students even pet them!


If you never lived in a city before, protests may seem like a new thing. They occur very often at Temple for things related to our school and also for things that don’t. But this year there were definitely a number of large protests that went through campus, which at first seems a little overwhelming.

A need for patience

There are a number of things at Temple that require you to have patience. Freshmen learn after their first year that there are certain things you can’t show up last minute for or expect to get right away. Students need plenty of patience when wanting to see an advisor in their academic office, need to see a doctor at Student Health Services, or if they want $1 Jimmy Johns.

Seasonal students

When you first come to school at the end of the summer there is a number of students out and about because of the nice weather. When that brutal cold weather hits Philly, you start to forget how big the school actually is because students never hang out on campus. You are pretty much shocked again in the Spring when Beury Beach is packed and lines for food are long again.

Free stuff

There is always someone on campus giving out free stuff. Whether it’s the Redbull truck, a new food truck, free t-shirts, or free candy, you can always get something.

Famous people

Whether it is a famous politician or comedian, there are a lot of famous people that come to Temple. So basically, you picked the right school to come to because after freshmen year, you probably will have a selfie with someone famous.


Living in an urban area, you will quickly get used to using the Subway. In the beginning of freshmen year you may have no idea how to even get to Center City, but by the end of it you will be a subway pro.

Cat calls

Girls…we quickly learned that you cannot walk around North Philly at 2 a.m. alone. No matter who you are with or what you are doing, people will drive or walk by and make remarks at you. You could even be in pajamas and someone will still say something to you. In the beginning of the year you may have thought that you were going to have to call 911 but by the end of the year it just goes in one ear and out the other.

The Preacher

No matter what the Preacher is almost always at the Bell Tower. In the beginning of the year you think to yourself how could this guy possibly stand here today and do this but then you’ll learn that this is a normal thing and he is completely happy with what he does.


Tech Center and Library become your best friends

Yes, as dreadful as it sounds these places become like a second home for freshmen. Not many people can focus in the dorm rooms with all the commotion so by the end of the year you can’t even think about how many hours you’ve spent there in the last two semesters.

8 a.m.’s

Almost all freshmen have had to go through at least one early morning class. You learn that they are not fun at all and no one likes them, but sometimes you have no choice. Coffee will be a must before class.

Comfy is the way to go

In high school, everyone cares so much about what they look like. But in college it is totally acceptable to go to class in your comfiest outfit with no makeup on, especially at Temple. Everyone understands the pain of class and we get that there is just no time sometimes to dress in your most fashionable outfit for class.

So congrats to all of the freshmen for getting through your first year of college! Getting adapted next year won’t be nearly as difficult as it was this year.

Temple University