How this TU sophomore landed three fashion internships

‘Put yourself out there and never take no as an answer’

Every college student has listened to people say over and over how important internships are to your career. We are told that it is a huge part of a resumé when beginning to look for jobs.

Most people wait until their junior or senior year to even begin looking for internships. But Alex Cove, sophomore PR major, began pursuing her career right away and earned three internships this year.

“There is always something to do,” Alex said. “The fridge is always full and you can choose what you want to eat out of it.”

Alex has internships with Skai Blue Media,, and College Fashionista. She is also a hostess at a restaurant in Center City and a member of Owl Team, PRSSA, National Society for Leadership and Success, Delta Phi Epsilon sorority, Insomnia Theater, and the Fashion and Business Club. So next time you think you’re busy, you may want to rethink that.

“I take everything day by day, and there are some days when I feel like I just can’t do all of it,” Alex said. “I honestly struggle with managing everything a lot.”

The Tab interviewed her to get an idea of what her internships are like and what advice she has about the internship process.

Photo courtesy of Hannah Pittel

About her Internships

Alex is currently the communications intern for Skai Blue Media, working 13 hours a week in the office. She works Monday, Wednesday, and Friday dealing with everything from writing press releases to making social media content. Skai Blue Media has given her hands-on experience that she stated is so influential to learning about PR.

She recently was given an opportunity to work at Nicole Miller’s 2016 runway show in Philly. She was able to meet with clients and make important contacts at the event.

“There isn’t a typical day working for Skai Blue,” Alex said. “I never know what to expect. Some days I’m in the office and other days I’m at photo shoots.”

Alex’s second internship is through a website called, which is a high fashion and travel website. She is an Explore Contributor and Travel Intern, writing monthly dream destination stories about luxury resorts and hotels around the world. The website is also starting an ecommerce page, so she receives different kinds of clothing to wear and shoot.

Photo courtesy of Hannah Pittel

Finally, Alex is also a style guru for College Fashionista. She contributes monthly articles featuring the trends of college students on campus. She said it’s through these internships that she can truly get a picture of what PR is.

How she got the internships

Finding internships can seem like a tough task. But by looking at how Alex did it, you may realize it isn’t too hard. She said she was able to find her current  internships by talking to people she knew, searching online, and just putting herself out there.

She got the internship at Skai Blue Media by simply giving an elevator pitch at the end of a Fashion and Business club meeting one day. She got the internship at by looking on listservs and sending in her resume.

“You’re always going to have self-doubt,” Cove said. “But put yourself out there and never take no as an answer.”

Alex wasn’t sure if she would get the internships when she applied, but she made sure to plan ahead just in case. When making her schedule, she made all of her classes start at 8 a.m. and end at 11 a.m. every day. This gave her the opportunity to accept an internship if it came her way since she had all afternoons free.

Her inspiration

She says she has always been an advocate of putting herself out there and seeing what happens. She draws her inspiration from people on Instagram and YouTube, college professors, and the people she works with.

“The people at my internship are so inspirational and helpful,” Cove said. “They will take me to events just because they want to get me out there.”

Her future

Alex can attest to the reasons why internships are so important. It is through them that students can get an idea of what exactly they want their job to entail. Alex’s dream jobs are to work at a place like Refinery 29 or work at a magazine like Cosmo or Nylon.

“It’s the same with all majors,” Cove stated, “You can’t learn everything in a classroom, so these internships have definitely helped shape what I want to do.”

Photo courtesy of Hannah Pittel

Next semester Alex is studying abroad in London and has high hopes of getting an internship there. She will be continuing her internship with Skai Blue Media through the summer and will work with and College Fashionista for the rest of her college career.

“If you put a lot more on your plate than you can eat, you don’t have to eat all of it,” Cove said. “If you take on more than you can handle, it will be more understandable to say I took on too much this semester.”

Temple University