Working out is actually the best way to relieve stress

Saying you have too much work is not a good excuse

Exercising every day, even if it is only for 30 minutes, was one of the best things I learned last semester.

If you’re sitting in your bed this week feeling exhausted and stressed from all the school work you are not alone.

But don’t use it as an excuse to be lazy. If you incorporate exercise into your day the stress of your work load will subside.

A study at Purdue showed that students who worked out at the gym at least once a week were more likely to earn a higher grade point average than students who visited less or not at all.

Before coming to college, I worked out most days of the week by going to group classes. I made it my regular schedule and I didn’t think twice about it. I would go to school in the morning, come home and grab a snack, and go to the gym for an hour after.

When I got to college I feared losing that schedule and was afraid I wouldn’t be able to get in a consistent routine again. I didn’t know if I would be able to make time to stay in shape with a heavy college work load.

Since I arrived on Temple’s campus I have tried to workout once a day but that obviously doesn’t always happen. It’s hard to motivate yourself every single day when you are given a never-ending amount of work.

But after having completed one full semester at Temple I have realized that making time in your schedule, no matter how crazy it may be, is worth it. I could be on the verge of tears because I am so stressed out, but after running a few miles I automatically feel ten times better.

I made myself stop using the excuse that I have way too much work because there is always time – you just have to make it.

Studies have shown that exercise can improve memory retention, increase focus, relieve stress, and boost your mood. Over time I was able to see I was more motivated when I worked out. I got more accomplished in one day when I worked out than when I didn’t.

Therefore, saying you have too much work is not a good excuse. Every person needs a break from studying at some point. Don’t fall into the trap of laying in bed during all your study breaks to watch Netflix because that will not give you the motivation you need.

It’s all about time management and if you put exercise into your daily routine it becomes easier to get to the gym.

Temple University