Doing these will get you through this semester at Temple

Don’t be the person who falls asleep in Tech

It feels like just yesterday we were taking our final exams and getting ready for Christmas break.

Now we are back at Temple beginning our second semester of the year.

Syllabus week, or “sylly week,” is officially over and we have to face the realization that quizzes, exams, and essays are headed in our direction. It’s hard to transition from being off of school for a month and now having to try to get back on track.

Although most of us spent our first week back at school partying, socializing, and avoiding work as much as possible, it’s now time to sit down and start the semester off on the right foot.

Here are a few ways to get back in the swing of being a productive and happy Temple student this semester.

Do not deprive yourself from getting sleep

You don’t want to be that person on the Temple snapchat story that fell asleep at the Tech.

Don’t get too excited when “Thirsty Thursday” comes each week

You will regret that in class at 8am Friday morning.

Dress for the weather

Yes, it is the second semester which means it is absolutely freezing outside. Be smart and stay healthy…don’t be that kid wearing short sleeves in fifteen degree weather.

Do not turn on Netflix when you have a pile of homework to do

Although it’s tempting,  you will end up watching more than you intended.

Set multiple alarms for your 8am class

The day will come when you turn it off without even knowing.

Do not partake in Margarita Monday, Tequila Tuesday, or Wasted Wednesday every week

You will not be happy with your G.P.A. at the end of the semester.

When you pull an all-nighter make sure coffee is sitting right next to you at all times to help you get through the day

Work out

Don’t keep making up lame excuses or pushing it off until tomorrow. Exercise will help you become motivated and focused this semester.

Do not binge eat

We all fail a test once in a while or become extremely stressed but eating your entire refrigerator is not the answer.

Treat yo-self

Do not sit in your room all day and drive yourself crazy. Go out, have fun, and enjoy being a college student.

Temple University