IBC’s Cardio Kick kicked my butt

‘You know how exercise commercials show participants in sync with both the music and each other? Yeah, that’s not how it happened’

I’m not one of those people who live at the gym, but I do like to be healthy. My newfound quest for better health and the encouragement of some friends led me to the IBC for a 4pm exercise class called Cardio Kick.

Now, I’d taken a class similar to this last semester and my memories of it include high intensity workouts and not being able to walk the next day. But hey, why not go for round two?

Some of my friends religiously go to this class every Wednesday and rave about how great the workout is so I figured I’d give it a try, what do I have to lose right? But when the instructor, Ron, came into the room and promptly announced that he had just won third in the world in a bodybuilding competition, I knew I was about to feel the burn.

You know how exercise commercials show participants in sync with both the music and each other? Yeah, that’s not how it happened.

While my friends were up front-and-center making each move look easier than the last, I was in the row behind attempting to mimic the kick-and-punch moves that were thrown my way. This is not to say that I didn’t have fun, but this class definitely changed my definition of “high-intensity.”

We entered the cardio circuit Ron asked the class, “Do you want to do the same thing as last week or change it up?” To which the class agreed that a change would be nice and he laughed menacingly and said, “That is the worst thing you could have said to me…” which I later found out meant that we would be doing endless amounts of burpees and other jumping exercises.

From the warm up to the cool down it is no exaggeration when I say that we did not stop moving for the entirety of the class. If you want a good workout, get to IBC at 4 on Wednesdays and you’ll know what I mean.

And yes, two days after and I’m still sore.

Temple University