The best bathroom graffiti on campus

I guess diaries are out of date

Who would have thought you could learn so much about the people around you by stepping into a women’s bathroom stall?

On a Wednesday afternoon, I experienced that for myself. I was passing the Barnes and Noble on Broad Street, so I figured I would stop in to use the bathroom. After taking a step into the first stall I was surrounded by stories. I could not believe how many people actually take the time to write their thoughts as they use the bathroom.

As I read through them I was shocked to see how many people share what they are dealing with in a public place, like Barnes and Noble. It seems so weird diaries are being replaced with bathroom stalls – but hey, everyone has their own way of dealing with their thoughts. Some things got deep, some inspirational and some downright ridiculous.

So whenever you may have a desire to let something out or need somewhere to go for an inspirational quote or a good laugh, turns out the Barnes and Noble’s women’s bathroom is the place for you. Here are a few examples of what you will find inside the stalls.

Inspiration and advice

A cry for help

I don’t even know what category this fits under

Making your love life public

So there you have if it. If you ever need to let it out or take it in, just go to the bathroom…

Temple University