Your go-to, argument-free conversation topics for the Thanksgiving dinner table

Because we all have that one family member that loves to start drama right when the turkey comes out!

Thanksgiving is a time for family, delicious turkey and stuffing, and of course, lots of laughs. It is a day that should be spent at the dinner table and then after on the couch, contemplating (quite happily) about how much food we should have or should not have just eaten.

What we could all do without this holiday is the yelling over the results of the election and those annoying family members who stare at you and ask relentlessly, “Are you dating anyone new?” “What do you plan on doing with your life?”

To stay safe on turkey day, try to follow this list of topics that will keep conversations safe without putting anyone to sleep!

Don’t be this guy on Thanksgiving…

The weather

No I’m serious. The weather is probably the safest topic that you could possibly entertain your family and close friends with on Thanksgiving. Mention the fact that its already snowing up in Syracuse, they’ll love that!

Black Friday Sales/ Christmas Ideas

Take this time to pick your family members’ brains and see what they’ll be putting on their Christmas wish list this year. Maybe your uncle wants a new pair of Timberland work boots and maybe your mom wants a ridiculously over-priced necklace that you can only get on sale on Black Friday from Pandora. You wouldn’t have known these things unless you asked so on December 23rd, you’ll be thankful you’re not scrambling with what to give your family for gifts.


After all, your family members love to hear about you and what you have been up to so let them know what classes you’ve been taking as well as what clubs and extracurriculars you’re involved in. Let them know you killed your final exams, aced your last paper of the semester and confirm you are basically the genius they always thought you were. Let them ask as many questions as possible because frankly, they’ve missed you. This is your chance to tell them all about your college experiences thus far (well not all of them) and to let them know you are on track to reaching every single one of your goals. But if they start asking about your love life, quickly make a comment about the weather and get yourself out of that convo! #singlelife

Your favorite football team

Thanksgiving and football go together like peanut butter and jelly (very cliché but it’s also very true!) There most likely will be a game playing in the background during the entire thanksgiving meal so you could always talk about what team is winning, make predictions on who will make it to the Super Bowl this year (The Patriots!) and worse case scenario, comment on how great the football players’ butts look in their uniforms.



If all else fails, just laugh and reminisce about all the experiences you’ve been through thus far together as a family. Ask nana to tell the story about how her and papa first met. Ask your parents to tell the story of how you were born even though you’ve probably heard it before. Talk about the time your uncle got his finger stuck in a door or the time when you were three and decided to stick your tongue to a frozen telephone pole. Nothing will make the day better than to sit around the table with everyone you love and laugh for hours. How can anyone argue when you are all laughing so hard?



Seriously, if these topics do not work, keep bringing the conversation back to the pie, cake and cookies that will be coming soon!

A picture of the best dessert ever made


We promise, Thanksgiving won’t be nearly as bad as you’re expecting if you follow this little guide of conversation topics.

Syracuse University