The eight rules you must follow to survive parties at ‘Cuse

Just follow these rules and thank me later

“What outfit do I wear?” “Is that boy over there checking out me or my friend?” “Did I drink too much?”  These are probably all the questions you could possibly ask yourself before, during, and after attending a party in college. Whether we realize it right away or not, parties in college are an essential part of the “college experience,” and most of the time are nothing by harmless fun. Here are eight rules to follow if you want to survive any college party. Just follow these rules and thank me later.

Don’t ditch your friends

Friends always stay together.

Picture this. You and your friends get ready to go to a party together, suffer through the long and cold walk to Frat Row (because let’s face it, no one brings a jacket because jackets totally ruin any outfit) and the second you walk into the party, all your friends vanish into thin air. So not the fun night you were expecting. To avoid this, make a pact to stay with your friends the whole night. Your friends are the ones that will most likely save you from awkward conversations, be your wingmen/women, walk home with you and if you need it, hold your hair back. Don’t take them for granted.

Leave the heels at home

No heels here!

Yes, they do look good with your outfit. Yes, they make you look taller and thinner. Yes, I know you want to wear them but if you do not want to be in serious pain by the end of the night, I suggest leaving the heels back at the dorm. Heels can be an absolute pain at parties and have the power to ruin your entire night. Not only are they extremely dangerous to walk in (think of the long walk to Frat Row) but they are also just straight up uncomfortable. Plus, you cannot even take them off in the middle of the party because chances are, the pain of the heels outweighs the mysterious liquids and substances that have been spilled on almost every frat house floor. Instead, opt for your favorite pair of slip on sneakers or lace up flats. I promise they will look equally as cute and save your feet from a night of torture.

Show up fashionably late

Party starts a 11 PM so naturally you think you should show up at 11 PM so you don’t miss a thing, right? Wrong. Truth us, parties don’t usually start on time so its always better to show up late than too early. No one wants to be that first awkward person there. Being fashionably late is not a bad thing at all. In fact, it actually allows the party to fully begin and the good songs to start playing before you even show up, that way when you do show up, you everyone else is already ready to party the night away.

Be open to meeting new people

Do not be opposed to meeting new people. College is about trying new things and especially meeting new people! At every party, you have the potential to make an unlimited amount of new friends whether you have a five minute conversation about your dogs back home and never speak to each other again, or you exchange snapchats and five days later become BFF’s.

Know your limits– and stick to them

If you plan on drinking , walk into every party already knowing your limit. Maybe you can handle multiple beers and mixed drinks or maybe you’re the person who taps out at four shots. Irregardless, every single person handles alcohol differently and it’s your job to know your body and trust it. When you walk into a party already planning how much you are going to or not going to drink, you give yourself the ability to let loose instead of worrying the entire night. Knowing your limit is extremely important when it comes to safety so when you feel you have had enough, its best to stop because in college things can very easily spin out of control.

Bring toilet paper

As weird as this may sound, stuffing a few sheets of one-ply toilet paper into your purse can be a lifesaver during an evening out. Most of the time, frats and bars will either not bother with toilet paper at all or always be out of it right when you need it most. Bringing toilet paper will not only allow you to “save yourself,” but you will also become the most beloved girl in the bathroom.

Don’t drink something if you do not know what is in it

If you plan on drinking, not only is it important to know your limits but it is important to know where your drinks are coming from. If someone offers you a drink and you have no idea what is in it, do not drink it. Unfortunately, everyone needs to be extremely cautious today so, if you cannot trust the person, do not trust what is in the cup they’re trying to hand to you. If it feels awkward to outright deny someone’s offer, gently take the cup but do not actually drink anything in it. If you want, little by little dump it out into the sink until it’s all gone. That way it looks like you drank it and the entire time, you kept yourself safe.


Let loose and have fun (a little)

I don’t remember what we were laughing at…

College is meant to be the best years of our lives so its out rightful duty to cherish every second. In 10 years, you are going to forget what you wore to that one Frat party and you are going to forget the faces you saw in each dimly lit room of the Frat house. What you will not forget is all the amazing experiences you went through and the people you experienced them with. College is about having fun so when you’re at a party don’t forget to let loose and enjoy yourself a little!


Happy partying!

Syracuse University