Friday the 13th is upon us

No mother’s backs were harmed in the making of this story

Today marks the day we all have learned to fear, Friday the 13th.

Get your Stevie Wonder “Superstition” song ready to play on repeat because I assure you, shit is about to go down.

If you do not believe Friday the 13th is the absolute worst day, here are some facts to prove it to you:

Tupac died on Friday, September 13, 1996. That being said, one can argue the beginning of the end of quality rap music died September 13th.

Fidel Castro was born on Friday, August 13, 1956. So let that one sink in.

Taylor Swift turned 13 on Friday the 13th. And as sophomore TRF major Laura Sanfilippo pointed out, “Since 13 is the age of puberty and hormones maybe that is the reason she is destined to have failed relationships”.

If all this does not assure you Friday the 13th is the absolute worse, according to NASA, Space debris is set to collide with Earth TODAY Friday the 13th.

The sky is literally falling.

It is supposed to fall around Sri Lanka and apparently there are around 500,000 pieces of space junk headed our way, so that is pretty unfortunate in itself.

Luckily this article was created to help you avoid making an unlucky day even worse. In order to protect everyone for the bad luck to come, I will share the ‘must avoids’ everyone should be aware of today this Friday the 13th.

Must avoid #1: Ladders

Don’t walk under them.

The superstition of walking under ladders originated in Medieval Times. During then, ladders symbolized the gallows and walking under it basically meant the person who walked under it would die by hanging.

Another comes from the idea if a ladder is leaned against a wall, it creates a holy trinity and walking under one is blasphemous and invites the devil in.

So all in all – don’t do it.

You’re either getting hanged or letting the devil in, either way the results after you walk under a ladder are not in your favor.

Places to avoid at SU:

Wherever there is construction. Mainly the quad or around Eggers. There are a lot of ladders there and a lot of bad luck to be had.

Must avoid #2: Stepping on a crack

“Step on crack, break your mother’s back,” yeah yeah yeah we all know this from preschool.

If you love your mother, don’t do it.

If you don’t love them and do not care for their well-being, step on as many cracks as your heart desires.

One of the reasons people fear the crack is because it is believed cracks lead to the underworld, so stepping on one would release a demon.

The breaking your mother’s back part just works because it rhymes and is funny.

This part of the superstition originated from a racist saying originating in the 20’s saying “if you step on a crack, your mother’s baby will be black” since interracial relationships was frowned upon during this time.

People realized later saying that was not ok and changed it to the breaking one’s mother’s back.

Places to avoid at SU:

Sidewalks – which is basically impossible. You’re going to encounter a crack no matter what. Especially with our streets.

Just step over them for the sake of your mother.

Must avoid #3: Opening umbrellas indoors

This superstition originated in Egypt where it was thought the act of opening an umbrella indoors was to offend the Sun God. Since umbrellas were used to protect those of high status from the hot rays of the sun.

The idea of opening an umbrella inside a house was believed to upset the Sun God so much he would take his anger out on everyone who lives in the house the umbrella was opened in.

So if you open it in a school building, the Sun God will take his anger out and make it that everyone fails whatever test they are taking.

How to avoid at SU:

This is hard to avoid, especially now since it has been raining a lot more than usual and going from class to class when it’s raining extremely hard is just a pain to do.

Just stick your umbrella outside of the door then open it and hop under. You shouldn’t get wet and avoid opening your umbrella indoors.

Must avoid #4: Black cats

This fear originated in the Middle Ages where black cats were seen as demons who blocked your connection to God and entrance to heaven if they cross your path. The extreme fear of black cats during that time lead to severe punishment or murder of those who took care of the creatures.

Honestly, how could you not love black cats? They are extremely adorable little rascals.

But, if you want to not receive bad luck especially on this day it does makes sense.

Places to avoid at SU:

All around South Campus – It is cat central. You are bound to run into at least one cat.

Ostrom, Comstock, Sumner – There are a ton of cats running around. It is very easy for a black cat to cross your path.

Best of luck this Friday the 13th and if you are taking a test or turning in a paper on this day godspeed. Carry a four-leafed clover or a rabbit’s foot and wish for the best.

Syracuse University