What’s better, DJ’s or frat parties?

We looked at the differences between DJ’s and frat parties

Being a freshman boy at a school where rush doesn’t happen until second semester leaves very few night-life options.

Even at a consistently top-ranked party school, frat parties are exclusive and elusive to unaffiliated boys.

With a 10:1 ratio, boys still hear “$5 for guys” on a good night and “sorry bro, chicks only” on an average one.

Rejected, these boys and their girl friends who felt too bad to leave them, trek down to Marshall Street to the freshman haven, DJ’s.

DJs: Can I have a fishbowl to myself?

Yes freshmen love DJ’s.

No matter your gender or ratio it’s $10 if you’re over 21 and $15 if you’re underage.

According to one freshman girl, the line out the door of DJ’s is “long but totally worth it” since it is one of the only places where freshmen can consistently get in.

Another freshman boy told The Tab: “Oh yeah, the bouncer is my fuckin bro.” He claims to be at DJ’s “like, at least three times a week,” because “frat guys are fucking douche bags.”

When asked if he was going to rush a frat next semester, he immediately answered, “hell yeah, I’m rushing Sig Ep.” Classy.

Look at all that hot sweaty DJs air

Once inside you’ll find DJ’s juice coating the floor, every step struggling to get your shoe off the ground. Drunk, sweaty freshmen look for that nights hookup and strike out more often than not.

The club atmosphere is clear, but “no upperclassmen would ever be caught dead at DJ’s.”

Frat Parties: $5 for guys. Girls do you want some jungle juice?

Although me and my other female friends got in with no problem (teenage male bouncers aren’t that selective with letting girls in) we were bombarded by girls asking, “what sorority are you with?” or “who do you know here?”

Thank God drunk people have the attention span of squirrels.

Although members of Greek life argue “this is sooo much more sophisticated than DJ’s,” a few of my freshmen classmates disagreed.

Aside from having far more girls than guys at the frat parties, the floor was still crammed with drunk people looking for hookups, and unidentified sticky substances still covered the floors.

Long story short- everything looks the same while you’re drunk.

Syracuse University