Pull out your lightsabers: Star Wars is here

A long time ago, in a campus not so far away…

Syracuse has not escaped the international trend of the past weeks, Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”

As a self-proclaimed member of the Jedi High Council, I feel the force is strong on campus.

Since the trailer was released two weeks ago, Star Wars has been the main conversation topic at the dining hall tables, contemplating theories of how the story is going to develop.

The day after the trailer aired, Star Wars sold $6,000,000 in IMAX tickets alone. Certainly the new movie is a milestone for the film industry and for many of our lives, since it formed a culture transcending multiple generations.

Star Wars has been with us since 1977, meaning for thirty-eight years, the force has been alive.

Bookstore Star Wars frenzy

As a prelude to the Episode VII premiere, SU has embraced the force magnificently. Just look at the bookstore.

Now you can purchase SU Star Wars apparel, SU Star Wars flags, posters, books, notebooks, basically everything you need to survive in school – but SU Star Wars themed.
Senior Political Science major, Melissa Ruh told The Tab: “I’m a big Star Wars fan. This is the first time I wore my Star Wars skirt, and I also have a lightsaber.

“I’m 100 percent excited, I already have my ticket and have really high expectations about it.”

Melissa wielding her lightsaber

For all Padawans out there, let me give you a quick glance of what’s going on. Episode VI ended with Luke Skywalker defeating the Sith, and destroying the Death Star.

At the end of the film, the force ghosts of Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader, aka “Luke I am your father”), Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Yoda appear as they witness the triumph of the Rebel Forces against the tyrannical Empire.

That was it.

However, not long after the film was released, a whole collection of books was written, narrating the aftermath of the events of Episode VI.

Nevertheless, the upcoming film, The Force Awakens, is expected to be nothing like the books.

Director J.J. Abrams was given complete freedom to come up with a new storyline. So we don’t know what the story is, which makes us fans incredibly more anxious.

But, we do have some ideas.

Ben showing us his mastery of the force.

Ben Mitchell, a senior Broadcast and Digital Journalism major, who considers himself a huge Star Wars fan and a Jedi, came up with his own Star Wars theory, “The Jedi have faded into obscurity because Luke has retreated into hiding, thinking that he can stop the rise of Dark Jedi if he doesn’t create more Jedi.

“But he is wrong, and his nephew, Kylo Ren, the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia is furious that he won’t teach him, so he goes to the Dark Side. That’s my theory.

“Luke sensed in him the darkness, that’s why he’s obsessed with Darth Vader, because it’s his grandfather.”

There are a few people who do not yet believe in the power of the force. I find their lack of faith disturbing.

I have a feeling this movie will create a new generation of fans, keeping the timeless Star Wars legacy alive.

To all my fellow Orange friends, may the force be with you. See you at the movies on December 18th.

Syracuse University