How turnt are you? ‘Cuse Homecoming edition

There’s a reason why ‘we pregame harder than you party’ was the quote on our homecoming merch.

Celebrating Homecoming is like attending your second cousin’s wedding: you could give less of a crap about the main event (in this case, our failed face-off with Pitt), and all you have to look forward to is the excuse to get day drunk.

Keeping this fact in mind, we couldn’t help but make an appearance at one of Cuse’s legendary tailgates and ask: ‘On a scale of 1 to 10, how turnt are you?’

Monique, Lina, and Maddie, Class of 2017

Monique and Lina were a solid “1%,” while Maddie was “a three… we’re kind of still drunk from last night.”


“I’m like a 6 but at the point where I’m in a good mood.”

Mark, Class of ????

(After being told what the definition of ‘turnt’ is) “About a five. My son’s gonna flip.”

Anjelica and Ellisa

Anjelica: “I’d say a 6, but I wish it was a little bit higher.”

Ellisa: “I’m currently a five aspiring to be an 11…I haven’t been here long enough.”


“Super freakin’ turnt! Like, a 10!”

Syracuse University