Confusion and sexual frustration in the friendzone

Syracuse students give their advice

One day you’re hanging out with a friend and then BAM you realize you’ve been served. You’re platonically cuddling while watching a Netflix movie. This is not the Netflix and Chill you’ve been envisioning.

You, my friend, have been friendzoned.

Whether it’s Sam from down the corridor moping about the girl he’s liked since freshman year, or Rachel sobbing into her notes because he doesn’t like her like that, everyone knows someone who’s in the zone.

I took to the quad to find out just what the so-called friendzone really is.

The leg touch: So close yet so far away

What is the ‘friendzone’?

“Not being considered beyond friendship.” – Neil, Junior

“When there is a miscommunication between two people about the status of their relationship.” – Megan, Sophomore

“Pretty simple. A guy or girl likes a guy or girl romantically, and the other person only likes them in a platonic way.” – Tim, Junior

The stretch: He’s going for the kill

How do you know when you’re beyond being friends and you’ve entered the friendzone?

“Just friends mean people don’t see each other in a romantic way. When you’re in the friendzone one of the people in the relationship wants something more.” – Pam, Freshman

“When you are platonic friends it is unsaid or unspoken and in the friendzone you’re actively trying to keep them in the friendzone. You are not bae, you’re just bestie!” – Maya, Senior

“I think being just friends you both know what you’re getting out of the relationship, whereas the friendzone can get a little confusing.” – John, Junior

“When someone is in the friendzone they expect their friendship with someone to turn into a relationship and they tend not to consider how their friend feels about the situation.” – Megan, Sophomore

The arm over the shoulder: He’s almost there

How do you get out of it?

“If you want to get out of the friendzone just do it! Don’t worry about hurting someone you don’t actually love! Fuck it!”-Arlety, Senior

“The only advice I can give is to just go for it. Yeah, you’re taking a risk, but at the absolute worst you can learn how to not go back into the friendzone.” – Tim, Junior

“Communication is important in situations like this, especially if you want to continue the friendship regardless of if you escape the friendzone or not.”- Megan, Sophomore

“Give up, move on!” – Emily, Sophomore

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There’s one thing these Syracuse students agree on: the friendzone is very real and it’s not going anywhere.

The friendzone is a mystifying zone of confusion and sexual frustration. It is easy to get into and complicated to get out of. Next time you find yourself in the friendzone consider whether or not you want to risk losing a friendship in order to enjoy a proper Netflix and Chill.

Syracuse University