Leland Stanford Jr. Marching Band cheer up dead week students

Who needs sunshine when you have the band?

As I laid on my bed, allowing my lunch to settle and feeling miserable that in spite of the upcoming final examinations I am not yet as smart as Leibniz nor Euler, something caught my attention.

The beating of the drums shook the ground as the sounds of the trumpets and saxophones filled the air. At first it annoyed me, as it disturbed my peace. Almost instantly, every cell in my body moved to the beat. I reluctantly got on my feet and rushed over to Arrillaga Family Dining Commons to check out what the noise was all about. It was the one, the only, the truly incomparable: The Leland Stanford Junior University Marching Band.

They were dressed in their customary uplifting and extraordinary outfits. They were so bright that I forgot that  it was a cloudy day. Their intent, I gathered from one of their members as they ran off to brighten the day for others at another dining hall, was to bring happiness to the faces of our dead selves. This is because unlike at other schools where dead week means classes are dead, here at Stanford it means the students are dead! I must admit, it felt good to smile again.

Many, including the three in the picture, paused their meals and conversations to take in the spectacular performance.

Although the football season might be over, our cheerleaders came out to cheer for us too!

Now that I have been inspired by the moves of our cheerleaders and the brand new tree, I feel less nervous. At the time of writing this report, the band was on the run to cover all the dining halls before the end of lunch. Thank you for restoring life into my dead body. Always the one, the only, the truly incomparable: Leland Stanford Junior University Marching Band.

Stanford University