Lianna Holston: Sign my petition for FRIENDSHIP


Week 10.

I’m 80 per cent sure all of The Pulse magazine staff is sitting 10 feet away from me right now. Even their casual outfits are more fashionable than I could ever hope to be.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve reached the point in the quarter where I’ve resorted to watching that stunning Take Me To Church ballet video on repeat (omg) and I get really emotional whenever I see a dog. Protip: a beautiful wood nymph named Davianna created Stanford Dogspotting recently and it’s the best thing you could hope for in such a time of darkness as Dead Week.

Check out the dog in the background he’s so important

Heads up: last week I got lost in the GSB and thus learned that you cannot park your bike just ~anywhere~ over there and also that everyone in the GSB is crisply dressed and vaguely rude.

Midnight Breakfast happened on Monday. Truly, whoever came up with that idea and also whoever approved it and really just anyone who was involved in the process: you’re the heroes this campus needs.

Oh gosh Emily I’m so sorry I didn’t know it was you when I walked past and now I’m facing you while typing this and the time to say hello is so far gone and I’m just not sure how to handle this situation. AHH.

It’s Dead Week. El Niño is (maybe?) upon us. Donald Trump keeps winning primaries. Stanford is banning hard alcohol in dorms? But here are some reasons to smile, if just for a moment:

  1. The McMurtry balcony has funky beanbag chairs that are always available to be sat upon
  2. Emily saw me and waved, so that’s under control
  3. Spiders can’t fly
  4. It’s not currently raining (at least it wasn’t at press time)
  5. Krispy Kreme donuts is very much still in business
  6. A group of pugs is called a grumble (Basel that one’s for you)
  7. On April 18, 1930, the BBC reported that there was “no news that day,” and played piano music instead
  8. ^ okay that cannot be true someone please go fact check that
  9. Wow I just fact checked it and yep the BBC confirms that happened

A few quick notes of encouragement as y’all soldier on into finals week:

  • Breathe. An insightfully stupid kid once wrote “When you breathe, you respire. When you don’t breathe, you expire.” He wasn’t wrong. In just over a week the sometimes affectionately, usually loathingly-labelled “hell ride” that is Winter Quarter will be over. Power through!
  • Let yourself take breaks. Take care of yourself in these final days filled with finals! If you’re looking for a study break it seems that Jeff knows the Game of Thrones theme song so have him serenade you with that for a hot sec.
  • Discover Weekly on Spotify is a gem. One time I listened to the same Janelle Monáe song for two hours straight because I didn’t realize my settings were on “repeat this one song for eternity.” The song was about yoga, which made sense given that it was called “Yoga.” Hey, you could do some yoga to relax if need be. Is the word “yoga” starting to not make sense to anyone else right now?
  • If you need a hug, just ask. Maybe don’t ask me if we’ve never met, but then again I love hugs so yeah sure come hug me.

Stay alert, stay alive, stay alfalfa.

Lianna “just squished an ant that was crawling up my arm lol yay nature” Holston

Stanford University