Lianna Holston: Superbowl Sunday, Dance Marathon, and brand new president

Winter Quarter means warm afternoons, VERY cold nights


Here’s a question that’s been plaguing me for some time now: why aren’t the hints in Candy Crush (you know – that thing where one candy wiggles and is like “hey idiot move me”) always helpful? Sometimes a candy pulls a full JLaw in The Hunger Games and ~volunteers~ but there are other moves that would’ve been more profitable. If anyone understands this phenomenon pls just lemme know. I am fully aware that I am four years late to this fad but I am dangerously into it.

Quick shoutout to the five bros clustered around a circular table in Tresidder discussing what I am sure are various ways to solve global hunger. Or something. Oh I know one of them. Hey dude how’s it going. Remember that time we met in November? No? Haha, cool me neither.

Last week! Big week! Unlike all the other weeks at Stanford!

Dance marathon

To everyone who danced the full 24 hours: I commend you. You are v committed. I only did 4.5 hours this year and on Sunday I felt pain in parts of my body that I didn’t even know existed. In all seriousness though, congratulations to the people who worked so hard on the event and raised over $92,000 for Partners in Health! We salute you and your golden-legginged selves!

Superbowl Sunday

Peyton Manning is gonna drink a whole lotta Budweiser! Also WOW is anybody gonna talk about that horrendous Puppy Monkey Baby commercial bc that was the stuff of nightmares and certainly not safe for national television.

For anyone who didn’t watch: a quick summary of the game would be: “doesn’t matter Beyoncé upstaged everyone including the players”

Stanford’s new president

Congratulations to our new president: John Hennessy! Oh sorry I mean Donald Kennedy. Or is it John Casper Branner? Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish between such straight white accomplished men people.


Ooh update: the circle of bros has expanded to six and there is a girl up on the mezzanine of Tresidder snapchatting a photo of them. Who knows why. Maybe in celebration of all this ~fraternization~?

If any of you are feeling particularly stressed because of questions that keep being asked of you at this point in the quarter, I’ve prepared some template responses below that you should feel free to employ should you need to.

What are you doing this summer?

Idk probably sweating thanks for the reminder.

Valentine’s Day is coming up, are you seeing anyone?

Yeah I see people every day what the hell kind of a question is that.

What are you plans for Spring Break?

SPRAAAAANG BREEEEEEEEAK. Alternatively: I will be in my bed with Netflix and a mug of cereal.

Hang in there, dudes! Take time to appreciate the little things! For example: this swan that a CoHo barista made in my coffee.


I’m rooting for you. As are many others. We are trees, after all.

Lianna “ignoring the damage this caffeine is doing to my body” Holston

Stanford University