What I’d say to my freshman self

It’s been an amazing four years here

Senior year is wrapping up. Your friends are job-hunting (some may already have a position lined up—lucky them!), graduation is only a few months away, and you’re frantically trying to make the most of your final year.

To avoid this last-minute cramming, here are a few things I’d love to tell my freshman self.

It’s not the best idea to take 18 units your freshman fall…

Seriously. Don’t do this. You’ll realize that you’re missing out on super fun dorm experiences as you’re coding or scrambling to finish a chemistry PSET. You have four years to complete assignments and cram for tests, if there is one quarter you take lightly, this is it!

Go to every football game. Every. Single. One.

Even if you didn’t like football in high school, you better believe you’ll love it now. Not only are you at a school with the top athletes in the nation, you are also surrounded by a TON of school spirit! Your PSET can wait. Jingle your keys on kick-off, chant during first downs, and be prepared to lose your voice the following morning. GO CARD!

Do NOT bike the wrong way around the Circle of Death

You will garner a lot of hateful glances from the mob of bikers, and you will probably crash. Luckily you won’t do this (yet)! Oh, and wear a helmet. Don’t worry about looking dumb—those who wear helmets are those who know they have something to protect.

Say yes to anything that sounds remotely fun, because trust me— it is!

Ski trip? Worth it. You’ll be in a humongous house with 40-90 of your *closest* friends. 2am football in the quad? Also very fun! Don’t be surprised when some of your most fond memories occur between the hours of 1:00 and 7:00am. Oh, and when your friends invite you to watch them play in a soccer game, perform in an a cappella show, or try their hand at stand-up comedy, GO!

It’s OK to not be OK…or perfect

“Duck syndrome”—the phenomenon that everybody is outwardly collected but paddling like mad underneath the surface— is absolutely real. Try not to succumb to this pressure. YOU come first. Take care of yourself, your body, and your mind. Resources such as the Vaden Health Center, free counseling, the gym, and more are available, and you’ll find yourself much happier. Also, take a “treat-yo-self” day every quarter.

If the fountains are on, go fountain-hopping

You never know when there will be a drought…

The people here are amazing, and THEY are responsible for making Stanford such an incredible place.

You may not know this until after your first quarter ends, but the girl sitting next to you in your Thinking Matters class competed in the Olympics. Your best friends from sophomore year have the biggest hearts in the world and will be your rock throughout Stanford. A guy you just met will take two hours out of his day to help you with your organic chemistry homework. As people take time for you, take time for others. Value those around you. You all have a story to tell, and your shared passion for learning and pushing intellectual boundaries will only make your connections stronger. Get to know your friends, explore campus, and enjoy the best four years of your life.

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