What it’s like to go to a Rutgers party without drinking

You wake up with no hangover

I usually end up being the designated driver when I go out with my friends, so I have a tremendous amount of experience being one of the only sober people at Rutgers frat parties. I know what you’re thinking: “How is that even possible?” But I’m here to tell you that going out without drinking isn’t terrible. In fact, I often end up having more fun than most of my friends. I conquered a frat party sober, and lived to recount my experience. This is what it’s like to attend a party sans alcohol.

The Pre-game 

It started off like any other night would, except that I was on the sidelines. This is when I become a cheerleader for my friends, and take fake shots for my snap story. In my case, the pre-game was more of a mental preparation for:

  1. Drunk girls spilling their drinks
  2. Pick up lines from guys that generally don’t work
  3. People making out on the dance floor

Drunk people are terrible photographers

I asked my friend to take a picture of me and this was the result. Don’t trust your drunk friends to take good photos. This was the most flattering photo of me that night, and an accurate depiction of my friends’ vision.

Being a teenage mother taking care of other teenagers

Not only am I known for being the designated driver, I am also the mom of my group. My night consisted of holding my friend’s hands to guide them back to our circle, because God knows where they would end up. They may act like they are completely fine, but I had full motor function and they didn’t. I knew they’d thank me in the morning.

I just needed space and a decent selfie

A brother came up to me when he saw me take a picture and said, “Wow, you’re not discreet about that selfie”. Thanks, I wasn’t trying to be discreet. There’s only so much you can take at a time. I needed a breather from being bumped into and consequently being bathed in beer. So I found a nice little corner with a seat and chilled with me, myself and I.

Being carefree (and all that ‘Live, Laugh, Love’ crap)

In the end, you stop worrying about how drunk everyone is around you and the minor annoyances that could kill the mood. I danced with my friends, observed the weird habits of intoxicated college students and got to make sure all my friends were safe at the end of the night. The best part? No hangover.

Rutgers University