How to have a kickass Friendsgiving

Alcohol, alcohol and more alcohol

Gather round a table with some good food, and more importantly, alcohol while you celebrate the one thing you are really thankful for this year: your friends. These are the people who have supported you through your years here at Rutgers. From holding back your hair after a crazy night at Chi Psi, to talking you out of throwing yourself in front of one of the Rutgers buses when school just becomes too much, to “Rah Rah”-ing with you at every football game, these are the people who make your college years the best years of your life. Here are some essentials to have an awesome Friendsgiving.

It’s actually a thing

According to Urban Dictionary Friendsgiving is “The celebration of Thanksgiving dinner with your friends. This usually occurs on the Wednesday before or the Friday after Thanksgiving Day, since Thanksgiving is usually reserved for family gatherings.” So now that you now that it’s official, call up all your friends and have them come over to celebrate.

Alcohol, alcohol and more alcohol

A get together with your friends, celebrating the good old memories, the thankfulness of the holiday, and the fact that this semester is finally almost over, means that alcohol is a must. Let’s be real – we’re all in college, so literally any alcohol is acceptable; beer, wine, tequila, all of it.


There’s almost always a shit ton of food left over after family dinners, and it usually lasts for the entire next week’s worth of dinners. Ask your family if you can pack some of it up and take it over to your friend’s house. Have everyone coming over be in charge of one particular Thanksgiving dish, like a potluck; that way you all have your choice of potatoes, turkey, salads, soups, pasta, stuffings, etc. And if someone wants to make something from scratch, even better.

Out of left field

Want to bring or have a dish that totally has nothing to do with the tradition of Thanksgiving? Now is your chance. These are your friends, they won’t judge you (maybe a little, but they’ll love you anyway). Want pizza? Chinese food? Thai? A hamburger and fries? Go for it. You and your friends know the wonderful power and loveliness of food and any and all is welcome at the Friendsgiving table.


Cookies, cakes, pies, donuts, croissants, puddings, whatever you’re into, make sure there’s enough to go around on your Friendsgiving table. Maybe stop by Cookie Rush on Easton to pick up a few dozen enormous cookies.

Fancy or paper?

Whether you want to use some good china or some paper plates and solo cups you got from the Dollar Store, make sure that everyone has a place setting and somewhere to sit. They won’t matter what they shove their food on as long as it holds everything.


Break out that bangin’ Spotify playlist you’ve been saving for a special occasion. At this point, Christmas music is more than acceptable.

On a real note, go around the table and share the memories you are most thankful for, or one reason why you are thankful for every person that you have sitting with you. Family is important, but you don’t get to choose your family. Be thankful for the friends you chose, and the friends who chose you. Happy Friendsgiving.

Rutgers University