A love letter to Nuebies

You always know just what I like – with your juicy steak quesadilla and sweet Oreo milkshake

Dear Nuebies,

It’s 2 a.m. and I find myself writing a letter to you. I guess this is the time I always called you every week. You always respond to my calls with the exception of when you are too busy. But still, in the end you respond. You always greet me with a friendly “hello” and ask how you should satisfy me tonight. I tell you to come over to my room and it usually takes you about an hour. I have the Netflix ready when you come and eagerly undress you before you even set foot into my room. You always know just what I like – with your juicy steak quesadilla that drips down my chin and sweet Oreo milk shake that always does the job.

As we Netflix and chill my friends join and they are always satisfied. Always a call away, I think of you before I sleep and wonder ‘should I call or not’. Is it too late? Do I have enough money? You never seem to want anything back aside from a few dollars. As I skim through the menu, I get turned on choosing what to get. Sometimes I ask you to bring that Fat Blunt with a Fat Bitch. I can never decide between the Ugly Bitch, Fat Dad and Fat Mom. So again I see myself asking for the usual with the cash ready in my hands. Sometimes I look away to something different such as Wingsover or KBG but you are always the one that waits for me until 3 a.m. I will always love you but sadly all I can give you is some tip.

Rutgers University