An open letter to my pre-college self

Don’t screw up — no pressure

Hey you,

You’re probably at that weird stage right now where you still think of college as a non-stop slumber party, but also feel like you’re about to crap your pants thinking of your future.

You think you’ll never find a job, love — that you’ll never become someone. I understand. I was you once, anyway.


I’m here to tell you, you shouldn’t be so much scared, as prepared. Brace yourself. Stop believing that life could be a fairy tale if you try hard enough. It isn’t, even for the most successful. And that’s ok.

What is life without the struggles?

School is going to be difficult, even with the best of time management skills. But it’s supposed to be that way. Learn to embrace the workload and all the stress that comes with it. There are going to be nights you can’t afford to sleep and days you don’t have time to eat. In those times, remember the dream you’re working towards and that it’s waiting for you. All you have to do is put in the effort.

People are going to discourage you at every opportunity, but don’t pay them any attention. Don’t waste time doubting and discounting yourself from opportunities because you don’t think you’re good enough.

You’re not only good enough, you’re better — way better than you think you are. People will constantly throw labels at you that’ll seem insulting, but so what if you’re that short black girl with a cotton-candy like poof for hair? When people laugh as they call you afro girl, don’t change your hair for them. Take pride in it. Be confident in being you.

Now, I know it’s killing you that the average starting salary for a journalist is under $40k, but remember why you’re doing it. You always say it’s the only thing you can imagine yourself doing for the rest of your life. Don’t worry about the money. Focus on making yourself happy. That’s going to get difficult.

You’re that girl who laughs and smiles like there’s no tomorrow, but things will happen to wipe that smile off your face. No matter what, don’t let them take away your optimism.

People will disappoint you time and time again. Expect it and accept it.

You should know it’s true that the people closest to you are the ones that will hurt you the most.  Watch carefully to see who your best friends really are and don’t be afraid to kick people out of your life. You’ll meet some truly life-long friends and others — they’ll come and go like a hurricane. Losing a friend can hurt like crazy, but you’ll be okay. Time really does heal everything.

One last thing. Don’t be in such a hurry to leave home. You’ll come to realize that even when you screw up the most, it’s your family who’s going to be there for you. Mom and dad may not let you go out as much as you’d like, but they do it because they love you…and maybe they know how badly you’d mess up without them. So, listen when they lecture and cherish the time you have together.

Stay silly. Stay smiling. Stay happy. Don’t screw up — no pressure.

Much love,

Future you.

P.S.  Please don’t forget to sign up for housing at the end of sophomore year. Otherwise, you commute.

Rutgers University