I’m home doing nothing for spring break and it’s great

Who needs Miami?

Sometimes, we all just need to do nothing. Maybe not literally nothing, but as close as watching paint dry as we can get.

Spring break is my designated time for that.

Not to worry — I’ve gotten up and showered. I just somehow always end up back in bed. I considered being as productive as some of you, applying for internships and catching up on late work, but I came to an awful realization.

It’s going to be a long, long time until I can do nothing again. Winter break seems like too distant a future for me to not grasp this opportunity.

Chilling at home may seem like a waste of time to some of you travelers and over achievers out there, but it’s the best time to me.

First of all, traveling takes money, time and effort. I’m not about to casually lay down a couple grand, as if I even have it, to go to Europe for a week. Besides, going on tours means walking. If there’s nothing else I’ve learned from spring break, it’s that I’m insatiably tired and too much walking just isn’t an option.

Why spend money on expensive dinners when I have everything I need to survive right here?

My best friends, Ben & Jerry, do a great job keeping me company and homemade cookies always hit the spot.

Then, on top of that, I get to devour my mom’s cooking every night in the comfort of my own bed or couch, as we have movie marathons.

Speaking of which, instead of paying for over-priced hotel movies, staying home means free illegal downloads on the latest and best of films. As for friends, luckily my best ones were too cheap and lazy to go out of town too, so the gang is all here.

So, this week I don’t need a fancy trip overseas, a road trip or even a ride to New York. I’m perfectly happy sitting inside and reading or going around the corner for ice cream. Home isn’t anything new, but sometimes good ol’ reliable is the best option. Besides, midterms were stressful, I’m tired and my bed is too comfortable to leave.

All I know is, there’s no place like home.

Rutgers University