Don’t listen to your parents’ generation, millennials have it harder

We’re the shit

While I was at the Rutgers Business School, I overheard a couple of old men complaining about us millennials and why we have it so much easier than they did. They must have forgotten that tuition in their day didn’t cost a heart. (A heart cost $119,000 in case you were wondering…).

The baby boomers and pre-Internet dinosaurs of adults need to understand that the millennial’s generation has its own share of glass ceilings and Inconveniences and it’s no where close to easy to achieve things but we’re bosses and manage to shine anyways.

Working full time then going to class until 10pm EVERYDAY is easy?

The odds are stacked against us, but we still find ways to succeed

When our parents were growing up, a college degree wasn’t required for a good job. When our little siblings were born, they were basically born with “how to use apple products for dummies” embedded in their head. But where does that leave us?

There are kids younger than us who can fully code and develop apps on their own. There are older adults who have high paying, top executive positions off of a community college associates degree which will never happen now. We are stuck in the middle. Lucky us hmm?

I take videos on iPhone thinking I’m a director while my 14 year old friend makes movies with this rig…showoff.

This has sparked the creativeness in this millennial generation more than ever; entrepreneurs, artists, creators, writers, photographers, etc. have all created value in which the rest of the world can genuinely enjoy. We create our own success and we take risks.

You call us lazy? You mean innovative

We find shortcuts and ways to save time. How is that lazy? I mean, yeah I occasionally sit on my ass for six hours straight watching Netflix series but who doesn’t?  Digital sales, home delivery, and movie streaming has exploded thanks to us. It’s convenience. RU New Brunswick and RU Newark is about to have a delivery service that can bring you Chipotle or even Applebee’s.

Their site is, you’re welcome

We can beat that 9-5 life

On Instagram, Twitter, & Facebook we’ve all seen someone living that adventurous, luxurious, and exciting life we dream of one day. This inspires us to create other ways to make money while doing what you love. That conventional 9-5 job doesn’t seem appealing to 80 per cent of us unless that time is spent doing something that we love doing. I’m 99 per cent sure that most of us don’t know what we love doing and that’s the issue. Search for it: find that passion.

If you have an idea go after it! The only thing stopping you from creating something great are those lame excuses you keep telling yourself on why it can’t be. Lets prove all those who doubt us and build our empires. We all have our meanings of success – whatever yours is, continue to work towards it because the greatest feeling ever is the satisfaction of reaching a goal and proving those who doubted you wrong. It isn’t easy trying to succeed in this day &age, but be proud of yourself for making it this far.

Don’t you want to throw some “fun coupons” one day? Adult figures in our life may not understand that & would prefer for you to play it safe and not take risk, but they’ll understand one day.

Rutgers University