Graduation anxiety is alive and well

Adulthood: No, stop. Please make it stop

I am graduating this May and I am sad about it…this is the plain honest truth.  For the past 17 years, from kindergarten ‘til my final year of college, I have been a student.  The majority of my life thus far has been dedicated to the “pursuit of education”—I always knew what the next step was.  But now there’s this big open space sitting in my future and it’s only three short months away.

“Real life” doesn’t have winter/summer breaks or meal plans or the ability to nap at two in the afternoon if you really need it. I’m a night owl and a napper—this isn’t a possible lifestyle for the typical nine to five.  How do grown ups maintain a normal sleep cycle?  Meanwhile, everyone I’ve ever met continues to ask if I’m excited about graduation and I’m just like… No. No I’m not.

The mems though–so many memories with your close friends and you don’t wanna relinquish the college years just yet. Because there’s nothing like the start of a new school year with the promise of syllabus week, Rutgers Halloween, dages, football games–the list is endless.  Yeah, Rutgers is a good time. But wait… this all goes away? Will I ever have fun as a post-grad, ever?  Will my friends and I slowly fade away from each other as we try to figure out what to do next?  Are the days of taking countless group pictures in my first apartment really over?

The bottom line is that change is coming and it’s a scary feeling for anyone.  The entire class of 2016 is in my same position and I know you’re all scared shitless just like I am.  But here’s the thing… it’s gonna be OK.  More than OK, because you had the privilege of receiving a college education at a top university.

Not only that but you probably have awesome times to look back on from your time at RU.  Even the stressful moments of cramming for exams and writing papers ’til your fingers almost snapped off, you should appreciate all of it and look back with fondness rather than looking forward with worry.  And thankfully we have the gift of photography for those nostalgic moments.

College is a really cool and really weird time but it’s also just the beginning.  With young adulthood sitting in front of your eyes, it’s easy to feel intimidated, if you allow it to.  But you can also try to feel really intrigued and motivated to see what happens next now that you’re leaving the student lifestyle.  You’ll start making real money and establishing your own life—you’re in control.

So count your blessings, go hug your homies, thank them for all the crazy times in the past few years, and get that diploma. Being a broke college kid is only fun for so long.

Rutgers University