Thoughts we all had during the Polar Vortex

Or any snow storm, really

Over the weekend, the U.S. National Weather Service announced the arrival of arctic weather conditions as the Polar Vortex made its way down to the Northeast. Along with that announcement came various frostbite warnings and treatment infographics. But that didn’t stop Rutgers from soldiering on with its regularly scheduled day of classes.

In a show of solidarity, here’s a summary of all the thoughts we had last weekend — the struggle was real for all of us.

How many more absences can I afford?

Thank goodness it’s only the beginning of the semester.

Please let my exam be cancelled

We know it’s the first wave of midterms, but please, just this once, for the love of our toes, give us a break. (Looking at you, RU Bio department.)

Why couldn’t be it like this during Winter Break?

There is no good reason why we should be able to see grass on Busch in December.

Should I just stay in the dining hall?

I barely survived the walk there. #literallysomanywindtunnels #havemercy

Can I ice skate on the Raritan?

The only pleasant thought you have as you ride the most humid and crowded LX bus ever.

At least I don’t live in the Towers

“During the summer we were pretty much begging for air conditioning… now it’s winter and we finally got our wish.” — Darren Khong, Class of 2019

Dang…those poor commuters

As though parking ANYWHERE at Rutgers wasn’t hard enough. It’s safe to say, these guys are pretty driven.

God bless the custodial and dining hall staff

And we thought we had it rough. They trek here in the snow, they deal with our crap, and they don’t complain about any of it. They’re definitely the real heroes.

Rutgers University