We asked what your syllabus week is like

‘Syllabus week is like an extension of winter break.’

Syllabus week is the easiest week of the semester. That’s what they say, anyway.

But it’s a week just like any other for some majors. To them, using a whole class for the syllabus is nothing more than a conspiracy theory. With no explanation as to why syllabus week varies across the different majors, the struggle is either really real or completely non-existent.

The Tab asked Rutgers students how syllabus week is for their major.

Jessica, junior, Psychology

“It’s a mix. It’s like getting prepared for the shitload of work ahead.”

Vidhi, senior, Public Health

“They literally just go through the syllabus for like 30 minutes in detail and then say ‘okay, bye.'”

Nidhi, senior, Cell Bio Neuroscience

“It’s cutthroat and fast. It’s only been two days and I already have so much work.”

Austin, sophomore, Mechanical Engineering

“Usually it’s straight into lecture, but there was one science course where he went over the syllabus and let us leave. It was nice.”

Dylan, senior, Journalism and Media Studies

“Syllabus week is like an extension of winter break.”

Allen, junior, Environmental Policy

“We go over the syllabus and then leave early.”

Alex, senior, Physics

“It’s get the syllabus and start the class right after.”

Justin, sophomore, Cell Bio Neuroscience

“We look at the syllabus for like 10-15 minutes and then start. It’s not much of a break.”

Tianyi, sophomore, Computer Science

“Going to classes with friends. No homework. It’s really easy and fun.”

Mauli, sophomore, Exercise Science

“Syllabus week is kind of stressful in a way cause you still have to think about buying your textbooks and all the required materials. If you look at the syllabus and don’t think you’re interested in the course, you still have to go through it for the next 16 weeks.”

Rutgers University