PU Ballet’s holiday show will de-stress you real quick

Release your inner squirrel and get those nuts cracking

It’s that time of the year. You’re tired, I’m tired, Eisgruber is tired.

Forget UMatter or the PSafe Shuttle. The only vehicle you’re boarding is the struggle bus.

But do you see the light at the end of the tunnel?

Princeton University Ballet is here to push you through the week.

This Wednesday and Thursday (16/17 December), Princeton University Ballet is presenting their Fall show NUTZ at the Frist Theatre. Their show boasts “innovative Nutcracker excerpts” and “edgy, new contemporary works” and we couldn’t agree more.

To the average bleary-eyed student, ballet may seem like a whole other universe. I promise you that this show will be worth the $8 (if you’re rocking that PUID) or the $10 (if you’re not).

So, what should you expect?

Tutus. Lots of tutus

Multicoloured tutus

Did I mention lots of tutus?

There will be impressive leaps (outside of your thesis)


And a bunch of poised and graceful shenanigans

Get ready, and get excited

You’ll love it

Princeton University