Today is the last day to register to vote

You should, and you can here

Tuesday, October 11 is the last day to register to vote in the presidential election taking place on Tuesday, November 8.

Before you decide you’re not voting for whatever reason (maybe you don’t like either candidate, or you think the popular vote doesn’t matter), I beg you to think about it a little more. The popular vote does matter. Your vote matters.

While the popular vote may not directly determine the president, it does determine the electoral college. In other words, by casting your vote, you are electing the people that will be electing the president. So you’re essentially indirectly electing the president.

Say you’re a Democrat, and you don’t take advantage of your fundamental right as a citizen of this beautiful country to vote,you’re giving the Republicans more of a shot. The same goes for the Republicans not voting.

Regardless of your political views, I think we can all agree the stakes are extremely high this voting season. Ask yourself this: you don’t cast your vote for your party, are you truly going to be pleased with the results of this election? (That’s what I thought. Get yourself registered.)

If you have not yet registered to vote and you live in the state of Pennsylvania, you have three options: register online, in person at select locations, or by mail. If you would like to register online, visit this website to access and submit a voter’s application.

If you will be voting in a location other than your permanent residence, fill out an absentee ballot request here.

If you are unsure if you are registered to vote in your current county of residence, click here to check. This website also generates the place you will be voting based on your current residence.

Your vote matters. Register in time to get your voice heard.

University of Pittsburgh