Everything you need to know about getting healthy at Pitt

Don’t let the freshmen fifteen weigh you down forever

If you’re anything like me then going into your freshman year, you probably thought that with all the walking you’d be doing on campus, you’d be sure to stay in shape and maybe even lose a pound or two. Unfortunately, this was not the case for me and the freshman fifteen eventually caught up.

Desperate to get back to my pre-college weight, I started working out almost every night and seriously cleaned up my eating habits. I now weigh less than when I started college, and I’ve never lived a healthier lifestyle than I do now. Here’s everything you need to know about starting a healthy lifestyle here at the 12th healthiest campus in the country:

Avoid Market at all costs

Market Central has plenty of healthy options, like its extensive salad bar. However, it’s very easy to overeat at Market, and I know how tempting the dessert counter is. If you can’t avoid Market altogether, make sure you watch your portion sizes, and maybe grab a side salad instead of a side of sub-par pasta.

Try to sit as far away from the sweets as possible, making for a much easier exit than having to pass buy all those delicious-looking cookies. Take a piece of fruit or two on your way out instead (and make the most of those meal swipes).

Walk as much as possible

While free Port Authority access is a great convenience, save it for when you truly need it- like when you’re running late or it’s raining or snowing. If you’re simply going from one end of campus to the other, walk it. All those steps add up. If you have a step-tracker, use it, and meet your personal goal every day. If you don’t, any pedometer app on your phone should work too.

Take the stairs whenever you can

I won’t tell you to take the stairs up (I never do, and probably never will), but unless you’re living at the top of Towers, there’s really no point in taking the elevator down. Personally, I find it extremely irritating to wait for an elevator when I’m rushing to class and could just walk it and get there just as fast—if not faster. It may not seem like a big deal, but little changes truly do add up to something bigger.

Stop making excuses not to exercise

If you’re looking to get in shape, then walking to and from class probably isn’t enough of a work out on its own (even if you live on Upper Campus). Pitt has over 20 fitness facilities, including one in each residence hall. You literally could not avoid walking past them if you tried, so you may as well force yourself in there. During my first semester, I pulled the classic “I don’t have time, I have too much homework” card, which is crap. If you don’t have time, make time. Get up an hour earlier, or go to sleep an hour later. You could even get some reading done at the gym on pretty much any of the cardio machines. You literally have no excuse not to exercise, so just make yourself do it. You’ll thank me for it later.

Watch the coffee

There’s no doubt in my mind that coffee accounted for at least half of my weight gain. With all the Starbucks places on campus, it’s very easy to get carried away. Coffee is fine (great, actually), but when you pour all that fattening cream and sugar in, a seemingly innocent drink becomes something much more dangerous to your diet.

Finally, take care of yourself

Stress is all too often a huge culprit of weight gain, and if you don’t take the time to relax and enjoy yourself, you’ll become extremely tense and unhappy. Even if you follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly, you may find yourself unable to lose weight and it’s most likely due to stress. Relax. Get a good night’s sleep. Go out with your friends. Take a rest day. Read a book. Eat a Market brownie every once in a while. All of these things are just as important to a healthy lifestyle as diet and exercise, because they make for a healthy mind. Take care of yourself, and you’ll start to see the results you want to see.

University of Pittsburgh