Here is your drinking game for the presidential debate

Try and drink responsibly?

Tonight is the highly anticipated debate between Republican candidate, Donald Trump, and Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton.

As young people, we have to be heavily involved in this election, since it has the potential to ruin our lives for the next four years. It never hurts to mix business and pleasure, so here is a drinking game to play while watching the debate.

Take a sip every time Trump . . .

  • Says “tremendous,” “huge,” or “believe me”
  • Is called out for being racist or sexist
  • Mentions building the wall or Mexicans
  • Claims immigrants are hurting the U.S.
  • “Make America great again!”

You never know what he’s going to say, but it will most likely include these words and phrases.

Take a sip every time Clinton . . .

  • Mentions home state of New York or 9/11
  • Is called out for email scandal
  • Says the rich need to pay their fair share
  • Mentions drones or airstrikes
  • “America is already great!”

She is ready for tonight, but she has some things to defend.

Chug your drink if

  • ISIS or extreme Islam is mentioned
  • Candidate yells over moderator or other candidate
  • Trumps calls Clinton “Crooked Hillary”
  • Clinton coughs

You may be chugging a lot. Sorry not sorry.

Take a shot if

  • Clinton’s health is mentioned
  • Camera pans to Mark Cuban
  • Candidate completely avoids answering a question

It looks like we will all be taking a shot right off the bat.

University of Pittsburgh