Everything that happened at the Bernie Sanders and Katie McGinty rally

John Fetterman is laid back, Katie McGinty is hilarious, and Bernie hasn’t changed.

“The future of America may rest on this campaign, and that’s why we need to elect Katie McGinty,” Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said before a crowd of about 500. The Wiegan Gymnasium at Carnegie Mellon University was packed with students, steelworkers, and others who were there to see Senator Sanders and Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate, Katie McGinty.

In a very heated election season, the Pennsylvania Senate race stands out as being one of the most important in the country, for both parties. With Republicans trying to hold on to their Senate majority and Democrats trying to take it away, each of this year’s 34 senate races are do-or-die. Not only that, but according to polls, McGinty and Republican opponent Pat Toomey are locked in a statistical tie.

Luckily, McGinty has been getting help from some high-profile surrogates. Just last week, she held a campaign event in Philadelphia with famed progressive, Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). And in Pittsburgh, she was joined by Braddock mayor John Fetterman and Senator Sanders.

As for the tone of the event, there was one evident message: break the glass ceiling. Not only is it a relevant message for the general election, but also in Pennsylvania, where McGinty is competing to be the state’s first female senator.

Overall, the event yesterday was a success. The candidate and her surrogates blasted Senator Toomey while also promoting a progressive agenda. Mayor Fetterman delivered some fantastic punches, with quips like, “Pat Toomey and Wall Street is the greatest romance since The Notebook,” and “Pat Toomey swipes right for Wall Street.” The jokes were met with eruptions of laughter and cheers from the primarily millennial crowd.

Katie McGinty was up next. For many, it was their first opportunity to meet the candidate and hear her speak. Others were much more familiar with her.

“She was there with us on the picket line,” a representative of a local steelworkers’ union told a news crew before the event began. McGinty ripped into Toomey, touting him a “batter for the banks.” She appealed to college students in the audience with her promises of affordable education and opportunities for those who are raised in low-income neighborhoods. “Every child deserves affordable education. Your ZIP code is not your destiny.”

And then, there was Senator Sanders. Obviously, he was the reason for the large crowd. The people in the audience were ignited when the Senator took the stage. They lasted for a few moments before he put his hand up to silence everyone. It was a typical Bernie stump speech, but as always, it was incredibly effective. There were times when the gymnasium was filled with cheers, but just as many moments were met with watery eyes. Or maybe that was just me.


Sanders spoke for about a half hour, and he still had the same passion for the country that he stressed over and over again during his campaign. He attacked the unequal distribution of income, Citizens United, and of course, Donald Trump. While he barely mentioned Secretary Clinton, he did include her in one of his final statements that was, in my opinion, the most important part of his speech.

“Our job is to elect Katie. Our job is to elect Secretary Clinton. But there’s more. Our job is to transform America,” Sanders proclaimed. “My friends, we have work to do.”

University of Pittsburgh