Apple messed up with the new iPhone 7

Everybody is going to be losing their AirPods

It’s finally here – the iPhone 7. First, here are some things that Apple did right.

It’s water resistant

This is huge for Apple. The iPhone 7 is the first Apple device that will take longer to break than every other that Apple made. It’s about time that Apple caught up to its competitors in water resistance.

It has a better camera 

I personally use my iPhone 6 camera a lot, and it works. It’s great. The iPhone 7 Plus is Apple’s first dual-camera system, which allows for optical zoom. The camera can also zoom in about 10x more than previous phones.

It has faster performance and a longer battery life 

Improved performance is always important in iPhones, considering that over time, their performance sucks more and more. It sports an A10 processor chip, which Apple says is 40% cheaper than the A9. It also has a new graphics processing chip which is said to be 50% faster than the chip in the A9. Lastly, we come to the battery, something that has always been an issue in my Apple products (except my 6, surprisingly enough). Apple says that the iPhone’s battery will last 2 hours longer than the 6S.

And now, here are the problems with the iPhone 7:

There is no headphone jack

Apple was courteous enough to provide a solution to this, but getting rid of the headphone jack was simply stupid. I can’t see any benefits to removing it. It seemed like Apple was trying to fix a problem that didn’t exist. Apple’s solution? An adapter that plugs into the lightning port and accepts a typical headphone and adapter. This adapter comes free with the new iPhone, but obviously, jacks up the price. The iPhone could have been at least $50 cheaper with the headphone jack still included.

The AirPods are ridiculous

Let’s face it, Apple should’ve called these Air buds.

But they actually look like this.

Those are small, Bluetooth headphones. Emphasis on the word “small.” Look at those things and tell me you didn’t already lose them. I own Bluetooth headphones and have no problem with them, but these are ridiculous. Easy to lose, hard to find, and cost $170. The battery life on this thing is also not too great, lasting five hours on a full charge. Sure, you could just use the adapter mentioned earlier, but do you really want to carry that around with you?

I say only get this phone if your current phone sucks. I personally will not be upgrading to this phone, because as much as an improvement it is in some respects, there is not enough offered to me that would convince me to drop my current phone.

University of Pittsburgh