President Obama is coming to Pittsburgh

Apparently the future of America is here

It has been reported that on October 13, 2016 President Obama will be making his way to our city for the first ever White House Frontiers Conference. The conference has been defined as an opportunity to explore the future of innovation in America and around the world.

No biggie, but we always knew it was here.

The hope is that through continued investing in science and technology, we shape a better future for ourselves, and keep ourselves at the forefront of innovation and invention.

The program will also touch upon the importance of collaboration in moving forward with such projects. Equality in education is something that President Obama has always advocated for, so it comes as no surprise that this remains at the forefront of his work.

They will be working with Pitt and Carnegie Mellon University, and you are able to nominate people to win innovator awards.

University of Pittsburgh