Things you miss when you become an adult

There are too many to count

As much as we say we want to grow up and have grown up responsibilities, we forget what we have to leave behind in order to take that next step. While we may be eager to grow up, we do not want to give up the things that only young adults can get away with.

Sleeping in until whenever you want

Forget about staying up until 3am and sleeping in until 12pm. Once you are an adult, your day starts at 5am and might not end until 5pm. Also, those long naps that you like to take once you get home from a busy day become nonexistent. If you thought going to school all day was exhausting, imagine working all day and coming home to more responsibilities.

Being obsessed with social media

Most employers do not permit their employees to have social media pages, but there are some exceptions. If your employer is lenient with social media, you better not have any pictures of you smoking out of a bong or double fisting beers. You will not get hired. Minimize your social media participation, and engage in life a little more. Deleting or cleaning up your social media accounts is easy, but fighting the urge to check your phone is harder.

Friends from the past

Do not expect to connect with everyone you went to highschool with. There will be friends that you have to leave behind, in order start your own journey. However, there are friends that you will miss and wish that you never lost. Luckily, your new life and job will present you with opportunities to make new friends and create new memories. You just have to be open to moving forward, and not looking back.

Going out every night

I’m not saying that you will never have time to go out on a date or go out for dinner, but do not expect to go out every night like you did when you were a teenager. Not only will you not have the time, but you will most likely not have the energy.

Between working all day, taking care of your own house, doing your own cleaning, there is just not enough time in the day. Honestly you will probably get to that point in your life when your friends want you to go out, but all you want to do is sleep.

NOT paying your own bills

I think this might be the number one reason why none of us like growing up. Finding a job is not easy, and if you are just getting out of college, those college loans will haunt you. Also, you are now responsible for paying your own phone bill, electric bill, water bill, food- the list of financial responsibilities goes on and on. When you were a teenager, your parents paid for everything. Now it is your turn.

Living at home

Every teenager dreams of the day when they are able to move. They want their own place so that they can come and go as they please, clean when they want, and have their friends over all the time. However, when reality sets in and you now have to pay your own bills, pay your own rent, buy your own furniture, and make adult decisions- it is no longer fun and games.

Being a little irresponsible



As an adult, you have little room to mess up. The person you were when you were a teenager, cannot be the person you are today. You have to grow up, take responsibility for your own actions, and make a life for yourself. Doing the minimum amount of work in school probably got you a passing grade, but that is not enough to impress your future employer. You have to go above and beyond to achieve your standard of success.

University of Pittsburgh