A college girl’s guide to your summer job dress code

Use these tips to still be fashionable while also professional

It was a glorious feeling, walking out of my last final of the semester. No more papers, no more all-nighters, no more exams! I couldn’t wait to replace those things with warm sunshine, amazing friends, and… wait what was the third thing?

Oh yeah… my summer internship.

If you are like me, and most college students for that matter, a summer internship or job is one of the ways you spend your summer break. As nice as it would be to spend the next few months taking a break from all responsibilities, summer can be the best time to gain work experience and get a paycheck.

With a summer internship or job usually comes some kind of dress code- which for me used to be very disappointing. I used to dread spending my summer days putting on black pants and a collared shirt and letting my cute floral dresses sit in the back of my closet. After all, what I really wanted to do was take advantage of the warm weather- and all of my cute summer clothes.

I don’t dread a dress code anymore- I embrace it, and I promise you can too. Through my experiences I have learned a few tips and tricks to personalize work outfits and make them fun, even with a dress code. Remember, these outfits are just ideas, but the tips can be customized to fit your own personal style.

Black Pants

Black pants are the most common dress code requirement for retail jobs and jobs in the food industry. Although this may seem boring, this is the easiest to personalize. My favorite way to use black pants to my advantage is to pair them with a pop of color. Whether it is shoes, jewelry, a top, or a combination of components a pop of color is easy to incorporate into any outfit and will allow you to stand out from the crowd. If you find a unique way to represent your company color, you will not only look fashionable, you will also look smart and professional.Khakis 

They don’t only seem plain- most of them are. I’m talking about the shape and color. One of the tricks to making great outfits with khaki’s is to find a pair that has a nice fit, it will make a world of difference. Whether you prefer straight-leg or boot-cut khakis, make sure they fit your body type.

For example, girls with a tall and straight figure can embrace and define their midsection with high- waist pants. Girls with an apple or pear shape body type can elongate their silhouette with wide-leg pants. And girls who are plus-size may choose mid-rise pants with a slightly tapered hem to create balanced proportions.

Styling khakis can seem intimidating, but I promise it can be lots of fun. My favorite pieces to focus on are shoes and jewelry. I usually choose a solid color top with shoes to match- this will draw the focus away from the khakis. Accessories can be utilized to add another layer to the outfit. Don’t be afraid of trial and error because that is how you will find the style that fits you best.


You may have a very different idea of casual dress than your employer. If you show up wearing jeans, flip-flops, and an old t-shirt from high school they might just tell you to go back home. The key is to wear something that you are comfortable in and enjoy wearing that is also work-appropriate.

Casual dress is my favorite to style. There are truly so many options, so keep an open mind and don’t be afraid to try new things and different styles!

Casual – Dresses

If you want to wear a dress, consider adding a jacket. There are tons of fun jackets you can wear that will add so much to an outfit. A jacket can complete a look, and make a flirty summer dress work-appropriate. 
Casual – Pants

You have so many options here. You can wear almost anything you feel comfortable in- but there are still a few things to avoid.

Flip flops or dirty sneakers are a bad choice, so choose shoes that look nice and are not falling apart. Stray from wearing ripped jeans, yoga pants, sweatpants, or just leggings. The pants you wear should not be ratty at the bottom or have any stains. In a work environment you should always avoid shirts that are too tight or low-cut, as well as string tank tops. Clothing with words or a logo is usually not a good idea.

It may seem like there are a lot of restrictions, but really it all just means you should look presentable.

Business Casual and Professional

Since these dress codes are usually very straight-forward, people assume that there is not much wiggle room on what to wear. Well, they are wrong. There are so many choices.

Not only can patterned blazers make any outfit automatically more fun- they can easily transition in your wardrobe from work to night-out. Pair a patterned blazer with a solid top and skirt to make your work attire pop, or wear it with a pair of jeans for a casual night-time look.

Patterned blazers, skirts, or fun shoes will always make an outfit stand out, but never underestimate the power of adding a pop of color. Whether it is in a top, skirt, shoes, or makeup a pop of color will make you stand out and feel brighter all day long.


Stop feeling intimidated by your dress code. Embrace it and be fabulous.

University of Pittsburgh