Everything you’ll miss about college during the summer

We take them for granted daily during the academic year

During the year, all we say is that we can’t wait for the year to be done, for summer to be here, for exams to be over.

But the reality is, once finals roll around, and we’re no longer so tired from all nighters we can’t think, we realize that college is actually pretty great.

Here are all of the things that you’re going to miss about college over the summer.

Being constantly surrounded by your friends

Let’s be honest here – always being around your friends or your roommates can sometimes get annoying, but it is one of the greatest things about college. In the summer, you cannot deny that you miss being surrounded by them all the time during the year.

Cheap Movies

One of the best parts of college is that businesses assume you’re broke (which you are) and they give you discounts on things, like movie tickets. $5 movie tickets with your student ID is clutch. In the summer, people start assuming you have money now, and you are stuck paying full price. That is something to majorly miss.

Late night food runs

I swear I never got hungry at 3am until I went to college – now late night food runs are a weekly thing. In the summer, late night food runs are more of a hassle because you can’t step out the door without playing 20 questions. Parents don’t understand the 3am mozz stix cravings so it’s easier to just stay in. Late night food runs are a real college life perk.

Sleeping in without being interrupted

This one is the most important by far. The chance of sleeping in without being interrupted in the summer are slim to none. Your alarm is either going off for work, you have to take the dog out, or your parents are yelling at you to wake up and not be a lazy potato.

Using college as an excuse not to work

It is always felt better to say, “I can’t have a job right now because I’m a student.” Now it’s summer, and you have to get a job. Though some students work and go to school, either way- in the summer you either have to get a job or pick up more hours. No more excuses.

Not having to drive everywhere

College campuses are amazing because you can walk pretty much anywhere you need to be. Not only are you saving your gas money, but you’re also exercising. Two in one.

Not having multiple closets to pick from when you need an outfit

Roommates and friends are always there to open their closets to you when you cannot find something to wear. You typically only have to walk a few feet, and you have a whole other closet to choose from.

Seeing the people that live too far away from your hometown

We all have those people we spend so much time with during the school year. Then summer comes and they have to go home. Home happens to be 3.5 hours away, and you suddenly have to go three months without seeing them.

A plan for the day

Always having something to do in college may seem like the worst thing at the time until summer rolls around, and you experience the summer boredom. Having a class schedule and responsibilities allows for structure to your day which is something summer lacks.

Meeting new people all the time

Whether it’s going to parties or going to social activities on campus- college offers plenty of opportunity to meet people. Everyday, you meet someone new while at school.

University of Pittsburgh