Meet Gamma Sigma Sigma: The alternative to a social sorority

Wanna go Greek, but not in the traditional sense?

The esteemed service-sorority here on Pitt’s campus is one for the books. Gamma Sigma Sigma (GSS for short) is a sorority completely dedicated to spending their free time to service others.

I sat down with the President, Cassandora (Cassie) Lombardo, and Vice President of Service, Cara Maloney, to find out just what it is that makes GSS so special to them.

cassie and caraCara (left) and Cassie (right)

Why did you join GSS?

Cassie: I was involved in community service in high school, and I couldn’t find an outlet for it in college, or an organization that [I felt] I fit into prior to GSS.

What’s the purpose of your position?

Cassie: I oversee everything in chapter, organize meetings, and oversee board members.

Cara: As Vice President of service, I coordinate service events for the entire sorority. Everyone is required to do 25 hours of service each semester so we need enough events for them to do so. I make connections with a lot of organizations in the Pittsburgh area that will allow for us to do that. I also work with other members to plan our semester philanthropy event.

Do you have any funny stories from a social event you’ve been to?

Cassie: At my first formal, my date dropped it too low and ripped his pants! We spent the whole night looking for safety pins just to put his pants back together. Now everyone remembers him!

Do you have a favorite service event you’ve done?

Cara: My favorite event was probably making cookies with the kids staying at the Ronald McDonald house. They had a really good time but it also allowed me to interact with them and their families. But there’s really so many and it always feels great when you see people who are so genuinely appreciative when it really wasn’t that much of your time. Each event I go to is always a reminder that we can all make a little time in our crazy schedules to help someone in the community.

What’s the highest total number of service hours you’ve done in a semester?

Cassie: Last semester I did about 63 hours of service.

Cara: I believe last semester I did 45 [hours].

Has GSS ever been recognized for it’s service to others?

Cara: We won Student Organization of the Year last year at the Blue Stars Red Carpet Awards.

Any advice for girls looking to rush next fall?

Cassie: All the advice I have is to talk with us! We have so many sisters who would love to talk about what GSS has to offer. They can always email our account [email protected] or find us on Facebook! And make sure to keep an eye out for our rush information in the fall.

Cara: I would say definitely come out to rush! It’s not a commitment but if you think you’re interested come out, meet some of our members and see if it’s for you. I think we are able to maintain a lot of the aspects of sororities while keeping community service as our priority, which is beneficial to students in so many ways. We have such a diverse group of girls that makes it easy for so many people to find their place at Pitt.

Having student-organizations like GSS on campus make me proud. A group of women so dedicated to making a difference in the community is admirable. GSS seems like an amazing thing to be a part of, and if you’re interested, shoot them an email.

Finding a group to be a part of on campus is something everyone can benefit from. If you love serving the community and attending social events with friends, GSS might just be the group for you.

University of Pittsburgh