Millennial generation: In need of a name recall

They should call us the ‘entitled generation’

People should call us the “entitled generation” instead of the millennial generation. We think we’re entitled to nice things, nice people, and a future that promises us everything we’ve ever dreamed of.

When did we decide we deserve what we don’t work for? I’m first to admit this isn’t applicable to everyone in this generation, however, it seems to be applicable to most. We think we deserve anything and everything and when we “hear” no, we take to social media and other forums to express our hurt feelings.

Stop expecting

We think we deserve everything handed to us on a silver platter and that our parents hard work and success should influence our own. Wrong. Stop expecting things to be easy and for success and riches to come at no cost at all. No one owes us anything. No one has to be nice and make sure your feelings don’t get hurt. This isn’t elementary school people, it’s the real world. It’s time for our generation to stop waiting and expecting and instead it’s time for us to go out and make things happen.

Work harder

We need to hold ourselves to a higher standard of work ethic. We need to work harder to achieve great things to be as successful as our parents and predecessors. Work in a way that makes you proud and in a way that will benefit your future. Work to be as successful as your parents, grandparents, and role models. In other words, work harder and work smarter toward your future without the notion that things will come easy or without a strong work ethic.

Educate yourself and achieve

Do well in school and appreciate your education. Choose a career path that makes you happy. This may not mean college for you. Whether you choose college, technical school, trade school, or a field that requires no higher education, be successful! Educate yourself on the field in which you choose and achieve as much as you can within your field. There is no stopping you when you want something bad enough.

Some of the above mentioned topics seem to be a general trend of the current college generation. Hear me out, I’m not saying everyone, but I’ve seen my fair share of this stuff. All I’m saying is step it up and make the term millennials a good one to associate with our age. Forget the idea that we are owed something and go find success in your niche of life. Find success in what you love and achieve your greatest dreams.

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