Why Jews should be concerned for this upcoming Presidential election

Reasons why all the candidates are concerning

For a moment, let’s put aside all the rhetoric and concerning statements made by the presidential candidates, both Democratic and Republican, and instead look at how each candidate’s platform would affect the Jewish community and specifically, Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Bernie Sanders

He’s a Jew! Yay! If Sanders were to win the presidential election, not only would he be the first Socialist ever elected to executive office, but he would also be the first Jewish person to hold the title of “President of the United States” in the history of this country.

However, there is the fact that Sanders did not attend the AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) Policy Conference on March 20th-March 22nd. In fact, he was the only major presidential candidate who did not make an appearance or statement at the policy conference.

Other prominent candidates who appeared include Hillary Clinton, John Kasich, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump. Even Vice President Joe Biden made an appearance to show his support for the small democratic Jewish State in the Middle East.

Really feeling the love, Bern…


Hillary Clinton

Clinton has continuously shown her support for a two-state solution which includes a Jewish state which has the right and authority to defend itself. However, Clinton has had her questionable moments as well, let’s recap shall we:

  • Suggesting moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem (because that won’t offend international authorities)
  • Her support of the Iranian Nuclear Deal which majority the Jewish community in Israel and in the United States were against in that it does not provide adequate precautionary measures to be taken in regards to safeguarding the existence of Israel. Not to mention that the Iranians are still on their way to obtaining nuclear power, the only difference is now they have the “kosher” symbol by the United States.
  • Clinton’s obsession with the settlements in the West Bank is frustrating as well, yes, we know that they are an issue but there is a larger picture at hand, such as a government that is inciting violence against the Jewish people for instance

It almost feels as though we’re back in middle school, you talk nice to our face, but you’re never there to defend us from the bullies.

Ted Cruz

If there is one thing that we know about Ted Cruz, it is that he is an adamant Evangelical Christian. That’s great! You should be proud of your religion. So why then is he such an avid Israel supporter?

My theory – he wants all the Jews to go back to Israel so that the United States will be governed in accordance to Christian belief as opposed to Judeo-Christian doctrinism.

(Plus he’s the Zodiac Killer…so there’s that.)

Donald Trump

First of all, Trump’s platform revolves around hate, something that the Jewish people are unfortunately very familiar with – but let’s put aside the incitement and the discrimination for a second and just look at the hypocrisy that comes out of Trump’s mouth every time he begins to talk about Israel.

  1. Trump said that he was neutral on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  2. Trump said that Israel should repay the U.S. for all the aid it has received over the years (do you think Trump realizes that 75% of the military aid goes back into the United States economy?…)
  3. Trump appears at AIPAC in full support of Israel.

So Trump, where do you stand? Because at this point, we’re confused…

The best part however, is when Trump said that he would be the best person to broker a deal between the Israelis and Palestinians because of his experience as a businessman.

(How many failed business endeavors do you have on your record Trump? I think that speaks for itself.)

There appears to be no clear cut answer on who to vote for. Rather, it’s continued to become a choice of choosing the least worst candidate. Who will you choose?



University of Pittsburgh