Is it even possible to have a LDR in college

A college student’s guide to long-distance

I met my boyfriend when I was 13. We became friends and then started dating two years later, November 19, 2011.

My boyfriend and I have grown up together. He knew me when I went through my bangs and highlights phase, had braces and was extremely lanky. We experienced our highest and most proud moments and we’ve experienced our lowest and saddest moments.

With my relationship heading towards its fifth year (three of which have been long distance) I’d say we’re experts on making long distance work.

Here’s a coeds guide to long distance:

Keep that jealousy to a minimum

You are going to have friends of the opposite gender. You’re going to experience college. Your significant other CANNOT be jealous of anyone or anything you are spending your time with. It is impossible for you two to spend constant time together and (hopefully) you both have lives so live them. But honestly jealousy happens, talk about it.

Skype Skype Skype

Keep in touch, you’re both busy I’m not saying text and call all day/everyday but a weekly Skype date and a daily good morning text go a long way. You’re entering new territory where you find new ways to show each other your love. Talk about how much long distance sucks, talk about how much you love each other, talk about how awesome your yogurt parfait was that morning, literally anything. Talk.

Change is good

If you got it right the first time and you’re sticking with your high school sweetheart, like me, you’re going to grow and change and you’re relationship needs to remain flexible to keep up. Sometimes two people aren’t compatible at 20 even though they were at 16 and that’s okay!

Budget your time

When you come home from breaks you need to make sure everyone feels loved. Don’t (I repeat) DON’T make your time home all about your significant other. Your family and friends need to see you just as much as your boo thang does. Activities that include all my favorite people are by far my favorite.

Little things are key

My boyfriend kills it at anniversary presents *virtual high five to Nick* every year he sends me beautiful roses. This serves two purposes #1 it proves he exists to my friends in my hall #2 I melt every time I get that “you have a package email” on our anniversary.

Meet in the middle

If you are lucky enough to be in semi-decent driving distance from one another, grab a friend and pick somewhere in the middle and meet up for a fun date. When I was a senior in high school I met Nick in Trenton, Kentucky and we still talk about it (okay, the food was gross, but at least it was an adventure, right?)

Advice from him: say “I love you”

For a guys perspective I asked Nick what advice he would have and he said to not forget to say “I love you” and “you’re beautiful.”

Remember that long distance can sometimes be a blessing

I am becoming more and more of my own person as I grow up and explore who I am and who I want to be. My boyfriend is a huge supporter of my dreams and goals. I am forever grateful for his support, but a lot of growing up I have experienced I have to figure out on my own. Long distance has been one of many tests my relationship has been put through and I completely believe my relationship is stronger for it. We each have our own independent lives, but we also have that constant person to be there. We may not be physically together all the time, 24/7, but honestly we wouldn’t be like that even if we went to the same school.

The most import advice I can ever give to any long-distance relationship (or, honestly any relationship ever) is to take the extra step for each other.

Penn State