How Penn State changed my perspective on the US

Sorry my beloved country, France. I trade you for something else


When I moved to Texas, five years ago I would’ve never imagined wanting to spend the rest of my life living in the United States. Still three years ago I was planning on going back to Europe for college but end of junior year, everything took another turn.

Beginning of freshman year at Penn State and I was already making the most of my Penn State experience. It wasn’t just because of the party scene; it was much more than that. Penn State showed me a side of America I didn’t know anything about. What I found appealing at Penn State was the reflection of America and what I’ve been looking for a long time.

The Spirit

Photo by Penn State Football Facebook page

Even though Penn State counts more than 45,000 students, it feels like family and everyone is rooting for the same thing. Faculty, staff, students – I’ve never encountered that much spirit and solidarity for a school. Back in France, that’s an element you can’t find  and that’s what I love about Penn State and the US in general, the spirit. Rain or shine, 107k strong will be present in the stadium.


Penn State and its traditions is probably the aspect I love the most about this school and how it makes me never want to miss one weekend in Happy Valley. White Out games, Football season, Halloweek, THON, State Patty’s, Greek week,  Movin’ On and more, is what make Penn State so easy to fall in love with, literally.  During these times, everyone from Penn State and the area gets reunited to celebrate like a big happy family.

White Out 2014

Movin’ On 2015


Furthermore, the education system is really different in France than in America. Penn State showed me that anyone could pursue his/her passion. If a student feels strong about studying Art and Engineering, nothing can stop him to study both, which is not a path available in the French education system. In France, your major has to be chosen by beginning of freshman year and you can’t  go back once you made your decision. Being able to choose what I wanted to study and take any sort of classes I was interested in showed me that the US offered plenty opportunities for any type of student.

I could go on and on to describe how Penn State truly changed my mind on the US and on how the American education system is a better fit for me. My years in France taught me a lot and I’ll be forever thankful to have had the opportunity to live there. I’ll still go back for vacation because I’m not going to lie but American food is not my thing.

What now? American citizenship?

Penn State