Ready to go back to school?

So are we

Being home for the holidays is always a treat. Coming home to the smell of a home cooked meal, a freshly made bed, a fully stocked wine rack and presents under the tree is just what every college student needs after a stressful week of exams.

Once you’ve watched every Christmas movie in the books and all the ‘real people’ in your life go back to work, things get pretty boring. The comfort of your own home starts to get too comfortable, and heading back to Happy Valley is the only cure.

You know you’re in the winter break rut when you start wishing you had more work to do. For those of us who don’t have a job during winter break, we’re ready to return back to State College as soon as the Christmas tree hits the curb. After a certain amount of hours in your pajamas, enough’s enough.

Feeling like you don’t have much of a purpose at home only worsens when all of your family members go back to work and school. They’re back in the swing of things, while you’ve done nothing productive since filling in that last bubble of your final – unless watching an entire season of Gossip Girl counts.

There’s nothing like going out with your very best friends from home, but you have to go into it knowing that it’ll be no Den Tuesday– mostly because a night out with hometown friends almost always includes running into high school acquaintances, which requires making small talk. Everyone hates small talk.

Once the holiday festivities die down, most of us start getting nostalgic of the previous semester. Whether you’re a freshman who has just completed your first semester or a senior who’s denying how little time you have left, you’ll soon find yourself longingly scrolling through Facebook and Instagram and wishing you could relive the past few months. You’ll start packing your bags as soon as you come across a picture from that one daylong that which, as of now, marks the best day of your life.

The winter break rut happens to the best of us. Once you’re back at school, you’ll never find yourself with too much time on your hands– so enjoy the free time while you have it. We’ll be back in no time.

Penn State