I ate like Buddy from Elf for a day

And vomited

The holidays are here, and what better way to get into the Christmas Spirit than to eat nothing but a ton of sugary foods for an entire day? (Truthfully, there are so many smarter things you could do.)

Inspired by one of the most famous Christmas movies of the 21st Century, Elf, I decided to eat like the character Buddy for an entire day. This meant eating three meals of nothing but sugary foods and sweets for a whole 24 hours.. what could possibly go wrong? Right?

Breakfast: three chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk

I woke up early on Saturday morning super excited to eat this and start my day. This one was the easiest to eat and the best-tasting one by far.

Lunch: two chocolate Poptarts, a king size bag of M&Ms and marshmallows

Since the three cookies I had for breakfast didn’t fill me up too much, I was starving by the time lunch rolled around.

I was a little nauseous while eating this, not gonna lie. No matter what anyone says, sweets are NOT food, and I felt even worse after this.

Dinner: spaghetti, pancake syrup, chocolate syrup, one chocolate Poptart, an entire bag of M&Ms and marshmallows

The moment we’ve all been waiting for… drumroll please. By dinner time I was starving and coming down from an intense sugar rush. I’ll admit, after spending so much money on all these supplies at Walmart I was nauseous and dreaded this moment the entire way home.

After I cried for 20 minutes I finally got over the urge to vomit and decided to sit down and try it… after all, Will Ferrell did it happily in the movie.

Well, NEWSFLASH: movies lie. This was by far, the worst idea ever. The best part about this entire thing was making the spaghetti. Once you get past the feeling of wanting to throw up just from looking at it it was actually fun and looked pretty and colorful, but it tasted absolutely dreadful. Kids, don’t try this at home.

This was after taking the first bite, and don’t let the santa hat fool you, there was nothing jolly about the taste of this

Once I realized I might be going into a sugar induced coma

This one speaks for itself

So, my advice to anyone who thinks it would be a fun idea to try this, don’t. Eating sweets all day results in nothing but a stomach ache.

The spaghetti was super fun (and expensive) to make, but by far the worst thing I’ve ever eaten. Trust me, this is one recipe you should not be adding to your Christmas dinner.

Although Buddy makes eating this look like the best thing ever, it isn’t. Stick to fruit cake and eggnog, there are way better ways to get into the Christmas spirit than this.

Penn State