The best parts about Thanksgiving break

One word: Mom

Don’t get me wrong: I love living here in State College. I get to be around my closest friends 24/7, live independently, eat junk food without my mom judging me- the list goes on. But after 13 straight weeks of walking to class, cramming for exams and forever being incapacitated by the Penn State Plague, it’s about time to head back home. Because lets be honest, all that junk food can really catch up on you.

Here are The Tab’s top reasons why going home for break might just be the best thing since sliced bread:

Going home to your mom’s cooking

So this is what a full fridge looks like

There is only so much apartment spaghetti and grilled chicken that one person can handle (and that’s assuming you have some culinary skill at all). Don’t even get me started about the dining commons. After 13 weeks of making your own food every day for all three meals, it can get tiring. I have gained a new respect for my mom who made meals every day for 18 years for my siblings and I when we lived at home. I do not envy that job. There is nothing better than sitting down for a meal you didn’t have to make, let alone made by mom. It is the most comforting thing in the world. So thanks in advance Mom.

Sleeping in your own bed

Ahh your childhood bedroom. The white walls of your apartment building can get a little dull and makes you start feeling like you’re living in an asylum. Being in the comfort of your own room, with your own posters and memories from high school (some we may want to forget) help you fall asleep easier at night. Also not being sexiled by your roommate is another plus.

Traveling by car instead of a packed White Loop

Oh hey there: I’ve missed you

One of the worst things about being at Penn State is driving. I live less than three miles from Walmart. With all the pedestrains and stop lights every 10 yards downtown, it can take 20 minutes just to get out there. That’s not driving- that’s basically stop-and-go parking.

But if you are lucky enough to live in the middle of no where like me (never thought I would say that) the thought of going home and whipping through your old home town is euphoric. Windy roads, no stop lights, wind in your hair, no students looking on their cell phones walking right in front of you in the cross walk. Pure bliss.

Seeing your old High School friends

Your high school friends are the ones that really saw you grow up. Because lets be honest, if you can deal with someone for four years of trials and tribulations in high school, then you are bound together for life. You catch up, share stories. They tell you about all the cool parties that they went to on their one weekend that their schools rage and you tell them that you do that 3 times a week. It’s just another boost and reminder why PSU is the best.

The farthest walk you have to make all day is from your kitchen to your couch

There are some days when you wake up for class, roll over to get out of bed, and think to yourself: “That walk uphill both ways to Chambers is really going to suck today.” Yes, I have a flair for the dramatic, but sometimes the walk to class just doesn’t seem worth it (sorry Mom and Dad).

But during break… what is walking? If I wanted, I could roll down the stairs from my bedroom into the kitchen, open the fridge and roll over to the couch and that would be my exercise for the day. No walking uphill and dodging bikers or those idiots on hoverboards. And if I want to go to a friends house: walk 15 feet outside, get in my car, and then walk 15 feet from their driveway. (Refer to the point above about driving).

Being sick/hungover in the comfort of your home and not the HUB

Being sick at school is the worst. I have had a cold going on 8 straight weeks right now. Nothing I can do can make it better. But I know that when I go home, I will be instantly better. I don’t know why, I don’t know how, all I know is that moms are magical. And let’s not talk about having to go to an exam hungover and crying in the back of the classroom, questioning whether you’re even sober yet from the night before. At least during break I can stay in bed all day and binge watch “The Office” for the 9th time. Did I mention you don’t have to walk anywhere when you’re home?

Not setting an alarm

Alarms are the worst. There is nothing more refreshing than waking up on your own accord and taking your time to get your life ready for the day. Not hearing the blaring horn at 6:30 in the morning every day is a blessing.

Clean laundry

Paying for each load of laundry in quarters is extremely frustrating. Who consistently has $5.50 in quarters laying around. Instead it’s a giant process of going to McLanahan’s, buying a roll of quarters, finding a 3 hour window in your day to do the laundry and stuffing the entire last 2 weeks of clothes into one machine because you are a poor college kid. Needless to say, the clothes are never as clean as they are when you bring all your laundry back home for break.

There you have it folks. Dear Old State is a wonderful place, but when you are home this break, be Thankful for the luxuries of being at home.

Penn State