What was your first AIM screenname?

Tell us about your awkward middle school self

With throwback Thursday becoming a popular concept, we thought it was time to take down memory lane to our middle school years.

Back when Myspace was the site to use and if you didn’t have instant messaging you were irrelevant, we journey back to the days of denim mini skirts, Abercrombie and Fitch polos and Etnie sneakers to reflect and laugh at our prepubescent middle school selves.

During this critical time of our lives, the only thing that seemed more important than having an IM screenname was what went into your AIM profile.

Things like “Besties: you know who you are” with a list of initials were cut-throat digs or reassurance of where we stood, in addition to whatever our favorite All Time Low, High School Musical or Paramore lyric was that week. Away message was key (brb mom needs the comp. text it). And don’t forget your relationship status! The second you became bf/gf having your S.O.’s name with the heart and date next to it was a must. Middle school relationships 4ever.

So The Tab scavenged the HUB to find out what people’s first AIM screenname was and how they came up with it. Try not to cringe too much… we’ve all been there.

Maddie Canter, Junior

“I came up with this because it’s my name and I really liked ‘xo’ when I was younger. That and my favorite number was 7.”

Jamie Catanach, Senior

“I did the first three letters of my last name and my old football number.”

(Or you secretly love cats… we get it.)

Kerry Bree, Junior

“My sister’s screenname was kells0167, which was her name and birthday. When I decided to make mine, I wanted the same thing as my big sister. We obviously needed a different beginning since we don’t have the same name, but I chose the same numbers as her since I didn’t realize she did the numbers of her birthday. I actually still use this screenname, but I only use it for junk mail.”

Neha Rampogu, Senior

“I love puppies and five is my favorite number.”

Mackenzie Melos, Junior and Ryan Barbon, Junior

We’re assuming you can guess whose was whose

“‘Cause I liked soccer and I like dogs, and the numbers are my birthday.”

“I was a hockey star obviously and that was my number back in the day.”

Sam Biben, Junior

“I needed something I’d remember so I made it my name.”

Oh the memories. Now all we need is for instant messaging to make a comeback…

Penn State