What does Penn State think about free college tuition?

Everyone who takes a basic economics class knows that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

At a recent democrat debate in Las Vegas, Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders made it clear that they want public college and universities to become tuition free.

Bernie Sanders believes getting more people college degrees will result in less people in jail cells. Sanders wants Wall Street to help kids attend public colleges and universities for free.

A student in Nevada told Hilary Clinton paying for college is the toughest part of college – and Clinton agreed. She also said, “I would like students to work 10 hours a week.” So along with students getting college for free, Clinton believes the students need to have jobs to work their way through.

We asked Penn State students their opinion.

Jake Fegely, 21


Jacob (Jake) Fegely, a senior History major was the only person I interviewed that actually was aware of Hilary Clinton’s beliefs that paying tuition is the toughest part of college. He said: “I was aware that she made this statement. This is a sad reality of today’s American educational system, the focus should be on getting the best grades possible, not trying to figure out how to pay for them. The toughest part of college is attempting to figure out what to do when college is over.”

When asked if he would work 10 hours a week if he had free tuition the 21-year-old said, “Yes absolutely, it would help me manage my time and give me some extra money on the side.”

Reid Reinhart, 20

Reid Reinhart, a 20-year-old BBH major disagrees with Clinton saying paying tuition is the toughest part of college.

He said: “I was not aware Hilary Clinton believed paying tuition was the toughest part of college, although I disagree with her. I think the toughest part of college is balancing academics, finances, clubs/organizations that many students here at Penn State take part in, a social life, and finally well-being like catching up on sleep.

“Yeah classes are tough as is, but worrying about getting to a meeting in time before finishing an assignment, then making it to a THON meeting, all before studying for an exam tomorrow AND finally getting 6-8 hours of sleep. Time management is my toughest part of college.

“If Bernie Sanders or Hilary Clinton would make my tuition free, I would have a lot less stress on my mind that’s for sure. I wouldn’t feel as stressed about my future because I wouldn’t worry about student loans racking up on me while I’m out looking for a career once I graduate.”

When asked if he thinks the free college tuition is possible, Reid said: “As much as I want free tuition to actually happen, I don’t think it would be economically possible. I believe free tuition would put even a larger dent into our national debt.”

Penn State