We asked deep philosophical questions at Allegro’s last night

Why doesn’t Waldo want to be found? ‘He burned down Castle’

Allegro’s was scenier than ever last night at The Tab Penn’s first public social.

We picked at the minds of students from the ninth best university in the nation, according to the US News and World Report, in order to gather opinions on some very philosophical questions.

Ana Chisholm ’19 CAS

What is the meaning of life?

“As Beyonce would say, the meaning of life is to be happy. You just have to be happy and be happy with who you are. I’m so happy, ‘cause Penn made me happy. Thank you Penn. Penn is the meaning of life. Thank you. Love you.”

Julian Henry ’19 SEAS

Is there life after death?

“Absolutely not. It’s a metaphysical fabrication created by people who have no idea what the fuck is going on.”

Aaron Ahn ’19 CAS

What is the meaning of life?

“Finding happiness. Happiness is enjoying yourself, having a good time. Happiness is doing things you enjoy. If you like parties, you go to parties. If you like food, you eat food. I’m very happy right now.”

Kenneth Lac ’19 CAS

Why doesn’t Waldo want to be found?

“Because he’s having an existential crisis and he believes in transcendentalism so he lives in the woods.”

Perren Carillo ’19 CAS

What is the meaning of life?

“Amazing! 42! I have no idea… Loving your friends and having your friends love you back.”

Reilly Degen ’17 USciences

What is the meaning of life?

“Life is from Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ makes you live for him, because Jesus Christ gives you life. There’s no one else to live for but Jesus Christ.”

Eric Sheng ’19 Wharton

What does America need to be great again?

“America needs to stop funding its military and start funding its space program!”

Jake F.

Why doesn’t Waldo want to be found?

“He burned down Castle”

What does America really need to be great again?

“Not Americans.”

Ha Tran ’19 College

Is taking a human life ever justified?

“Yes, if I travel back in time and I can kill Hitler, I would kill Hitler! He killed 11 million people. Justified!”

Terri Walton ’16 CAS

Describe the feeling of being in love

“I’m in love with him” **points** “It’s like when you come home from work and you have like the worst day ever and just everyone like pissing you the fuck off and you just like see that person and like as soon as they just touch your arm, every like anger and nervousness just washes away. I can’t even explain it, it just like melts away. And he’ll be like ‘What’s wrong?’ because he’ll see that something is wrong and I’m like ‘I don’t know. Nothing. Nothing.’ Whenever I see him it’s just that I know that everything is like fine. Everything is like okay. How would I explain it? It’s like… I’m like the worst interviewee ever. It’s like I can’t even articulate. He’s just like so awesome.”

Giancarlo Marconi ’19 Wharton

What is the purpose of art?

“To convey ideas! To share with people! It’s more than what can be described in words. It’s conveying a message and idea in something that’s more than what can be said in words.”


What’s the meaning of life?

“To have the highest serotonin levels, always.”

What does America really need to be great again?

“The South to separate again.”

Tiffany Yue and Anna Eringis ’19 SEAS

Describe the human race in three words

Tiffany: “Fickle.” (Word #1)

Anna: “Constantly procreating.” (Words #2 & #3)


Why do you think Waldo doesn’t want to be found?

“Waldo doesn’t want to be found cause he’s a stressed out introvert that’s too philosophical and like he doesn’t want to influence others.”

Describe human nature in three words

“Fucked up, man.”

What does America really need to be great again?

“Hillary Clinton.”

UPenn: Penn