PBFW: Penn Bookstore Fashion Week

A look inside Amy G’s closet… or at least the stuff that’s in your price range

Both homecoming and family weekend have come and gone, but the big holidays are right around the corner. Yes, Thanksgiving (in case some of you ungrateful hoes forgot) and Christmas.

We know what you’re thinking- what obnoxious Penn gear can I buy my family that screams “I literally thought about you last minute,” and “I GO TO U-PENN NOT PENN STATE!” at the same time?

Well, like always, we’ve got you covered.

Our best investigative journalists trekked all the way from the Quad to the deep, dark depths of the bookstore to find the best Penn gear gifts burser could offer…

The Look: Penn Parentals

Here we have Sarvi and Andreas modelling the latest Penn Parents gear.

Breaking gender norms, the Penn mom and Dad shirts can fit anybody type! Sleek, stylish, and comfortable but also very Penn.

Honestly, there isn’t a more personalized gift that says, “Mom, Dad, I didn’t forget to get you Christmas gifts! I just ran out of cash and could charge this to my account… With your money!”

Bonus points if you’re a legacy, you can add an Penn Alumni mug to go along with the package!

The Look: Serial Picnicker

Come from a family of picnickers? Have an aunt who’s confused as to which Penn you go to? Maybe you just want a blanket to lounge around college green on with a random assortment of sports paraphernalia from all the Penn games you (don’t) go to?

Well now’s your chance! Our model Victoria shows you how to take tailgate mom chic and make it more…y’know… mom at an Ivy League Tailgate. It’s like a regular one, but people don’t go for the game, they go to SABS.

If you hurry, you can get all the items featured here including the thoroughly sought after Penn sun hat. No Fling is complete without one.

The Look: Retired Frat Star Meets Inner Child

Now for that one cousin you’re not sure how old they are, if they’re coming for the holidays, or even if they are really family, we have here the, “Sale Rack” collection.* Have a cousin who never got over their beanie babies phase?

Buy them one of the plethora of Penn stuffed animals! That obnoxious cousin who always complains it’s too cold, but never wears a jacket or a scarf? Buy them both!

Now they won’t be able to forget it, I mean just take a look at these eyesor- MASTERPIECES ! The Penn ¾ zip and sweatshirt are also available in red if you really want to stand out!

And for all those Vets or family members who are just REALLY into camo, Penn Bookstore offers not one, not two, but THREE different kind of camo hats. It’s every southern man’s dream!

The Look: ‘Ball is Life’

Now for the sports enthusiast in your life. Do they workout often? Do they pretend to workout often? Hell, are they still building their track suit collection from the 80s-90s? Well don’t we have the stuff for you !

As seen here, you get find this amazing track suit combo in your friendly neighborhood bookstore, right across from the baby section where- guess what– they have the EXACT SAME THING ONLY TINIER. I think I do have to add that the water bottle is not included in baby size, but we’re almost positive you can order one in the online store.

So if you’re looking for your next Date Night outfit, something to go Downtown in, or last minute holiday shopping, make Penn Bookstore your one-stop-shop ! They even have Starbucks and Apple products!

*Some of these items are full priced, but look exactly like items on the sale rack. Shop at your own risk.

UPenn: Penn